
The last boy that I would expect to see, stands before me - Jackson Wang, the captain of the football team. "There you are. Are you alright? I could hear you crying, and I'm a good listener if you want to talk."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I blurt out, my head not on straight at the moment, and my filter seems to be broken along with my heart.

He smiles at my dumb question. "My mum raised a gentleman." I continue to stare at him. "Honestly, I just want to help. I know that I may seem like a dumb jock but I'm not a bad guy."

I sit down heavily on what appears to be the bleachers, and I'm still not sure where I am. "I don't buy into the stereotypes, just because you play sports don't mean that you can't be book smart."

He sits down next to me. "Thanks. So, do you want to talk about it? Telling a stranger is usually easier than talking to friends."

"Taehyung kissed Jennie, and told everyone that they're dating." I state, while fighting back the fresh tears that quickly build up again. My throat is burning with the effort and my sight is blurry.

"And you like Taehyung?" he asks.

"God no! Never! Yucks!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Good, because he's an asshole." He side smiles at me. The wheels start turning in Jackson's head but he doesn't seem to put the pieces together. After a moment he scratches his eyebrow. "I'm confused then, if you don't even like Taehyung then why are you so upset?"

"Because it's not Taehyung that I like."

The truth slowly dawns in his eyes. "Ohh. You mean you like Jennie?"

I sigh, nodding. "I thought we were in love, at least that's what she tells me."

"Wait! Are you saying that you're dating Jennie Kim!?" he asks in shock with his voice rising in volume. I nod. "Fucking hell. I didn't even know that you two knew each other, let alone that you were dating."

"Nobody does. The only people that know we're even friends are my parents, and even they don't know the full story." I say flatly.

"Wow, you two are the masters at hiding and secrets."

"Not like it matters anymore now. Everything changed twenty minutes ago when Taehyung kissed her." I sigh dejectedly. The initial tears seem to have stopped but now all I feel is numbness.

Jackson goes quiet, seemingly lost in thought. "I may not know Jennie that well, but she's definitely the nicest in that group of posh idiots. She doesn't seem like the type to cheat on someone. How long have the two of you been together?"

"For a year and a half."

"Fuck." He mutters. "Sorry for my language. That's a long time together, if you love her like you say you do, don't you think that you should give her a chance to explain?"

"I don't see how she can explain her way out of this." I sulk.

"The answer may be simpler than you think, but you should find out what it is. You don't want to regret it down the line."

I take a moment to consider his words. Should I just forgive her because I love her? No, that's not what he's saying, he just thinks that I should give her a chance to explain. Maybe there is an explanation that I can't come-up with. It seems unlikely but he's right, I would regret it if I didn't know what happened out there. I just wish I could get the image of Taehyung's lips on my girl out of my head.

"Thank you. Can you not tell anyone what we've just talked about." I ask, suddenly nervous. It's a bit late now, considering everything that I've just told him.

"Don't worry about it. You'll find that I already have practise with this topic."

That shocks me. "You know someone who is gay?"

He nods, while pointing his thumb at himself.

"You!?" my eyes widen.

"Only my sister knows. She's a few years older, and married with a baby, but we're still very close." He shrugs with an air of embarrassment, like I'm going to judge him for being close to his sister.

"I'm glad that you've got someone who knows." I say feeling a little jealous that he has someone that he feels comfortable enough to tell this big revelation to whereas the only person who knows about me, is my girlfriend who happens to be in the closet too.

"Now we've both got that extra person in the know." He smiles, warmly at me. "I think we're both really late for class." He says with a quick look at his watch. I laugh. Class is the last thing on my mind. "I think I need your help finding my way back to class because I have no idea where I am right now." I say while looking around the room. It appears to be a gym but not the one that I usually go to.

He laughs with me. "No problem."

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