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When the final bell rings, I make my excuses and jump straight in my car. I park at the car park of the local park and make my way along the trail towards the woods. Once I pass the tree stump marker, I jump off the trail and follow the wooded path that Lisa and I have created. It doesn't take long before I arrive at the fallen tree that forms a natural bench. Lisa found this spot when she was younger and shared it with me when we needed a space to be alone. This spot was perfect because it was completely obscured from the public trails.

I have enough time to drape a blanket across the fallen tree before I hear rustling coming my way.

"One of these days I'm going to get here first." Lisa says while leaning casually against a tree. Her shoulder length dark hair is tucked behind her ears. Green eyes glinting with her usual cheekiness. While she calls herself plain, I can see only beauty and this gorgeous person wants to be with me.

"Technically you did, seeing as you found this place first and showed it to me."

She weighs my words before shrugging and heading over to sit next to me. "Hey." she smiles, while nudging me with her shoulder.

"Hey yourself." I say nudging back.

We last about two more seconds smiling at each other before falling into each other's arms. We kiss with a fever of young love. Connecting like it's been months since we last made out and not a day. After a while, we sit together in contention. With Lisa's arms wrapped around me, I'm at my happiest.

When we start to get hungry, we head back to Lisa's house. Chitthip doesn't even blink when Lisa says that I'm staying for tea, I've had meals with the Manoban family so many times over the past year that it's become a normal occurrence.

After we eat, we retreat to Lisa's room and end up snuggled up together on her bed. Or as Lisa would say we are kxd up. I love it when she says stuff that shows her Thai heritage. It adds interest to our relationship that she wasn't raised in this area, or even in this country. She's my exotic beauty. (kxd – cuddle)

We're talking about nothing terribly scintillating but these lazy moments are great for us. Simply being with the other person, is the most important thing.

"Lisa." Chitthip calls up the stairs. "Sorn's at the door for you."

"Shit." Lisa mumbles. "Okay, I'll be down nı h̄nụ̀ng nāthī." She yells back. (nı h̄nụ̀ng nāthī – in a minute)

I cover up my disappointment at our time being cut shot and smirk at her. "Nı... nāthī? I still can't quite pronounce that one."

"It's ok. You'll get there one day." she smiles back. With a sigh, we both sit up. "Sorry about this."

I give her a quick kiss. "Don't worry about it. I should probably be heading home anyway."

After a final lingering kiss, we both head out of her room, Lisa going first. Chitthip, bless her, knows that Lisa's friends don't know that we hang out and helps cover for us. Normally we can have free reign of the house but if there is a chance of us crossing over, she'll run a distraction. Much like what she is doing now.

Chitthip hears us reach the bottom of the stairs and calls out that her and Sorn are in the kitchen. It's so easy talking with Chitthip that it is not unusual for Lisa to find her friends talking with her mum, without her. The kitchen is in the back of the house and out of view of the front door. With a practised hand, I get the front door open without making a noise and after a quick 'call you later', I shut the door behind me. I suppose it's time to head home and get my homework done for the night. Once college comes around, Lisa and I have chosen to go to the same school. Nobody we know will be there, so we can be together without any worries.

SEE YOU LATER | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now