16. Don't start what you can't finish

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There was a change in the plans. None of them knew the location of the sword in the first place, so just going at night and trying to locate it in the dark would just be idiotic. They realized this after executing the said plan and almost getting caught by the security guard that patrolled the museum at night.

That is how the five of them are now standing in front of the museum in the broad day light.

Akira wasn't sure if he could handle seeing his own sword in such filthy conditions. Good for nothing humans ogling at it as a piece of entertainment.

"You ready?" Jace questioned. Even though Akira nodded his head, he wasn't very sure if he was ready or not. 

With Jace guiding him up the stairs, Akira climbed up as he felt someone squeeze his hands. He looked at his side to find Aurora smiling to herself, looking straight ahead.

Unknowingly, a small smile made its way to his lips, too.

Eric almost wanted to laugh out loud. Being able to listen in on a dragon's thoughts was one of the best gifts he got with connection of the scale.

Akira paid for all five tickets and even purchased a map of the museum to help them locate it better, but maps were as confusing as he remembered them being.

"Fuck it's of no help." He cursed and thrusted the map over to Eros, those were his speciality.

"For you." Eros mused, leaning against an empty wall and studying the large piece of sheet.

While Eros looked over the map, others looked around the mass of people walking around and studying the pieces and discussing as if they knew all about it.

In a far-off corner, Akira spotted a familiar looking instrument, a violin to be specific.

No way..

Akira slowly walked over to the stand over, which it the violin was mounted, along with its bow. He wanted to reach out and touch it, but he knew better to actually do it.

He let out a shaky breath, making sure to keep his lips sealed shut and looked down at the description for the instrument.

'Violin of the deceased God Of Elements.
-Prae Metalline'

It wasn't a replica or a random instrument placed inside. It was the real violin played by no one other than Prae himself. When he would play the violin to others whenever they were stressed in particular.

Akira remembered loving the tune so much that he would often tell Prae to play it for him. Almost every night when he wouldn't be able to sleep, he would go to Prae and ask him to play the violin, and the tune, along with Prae's comforting presence, would lull him to sleep.

"Are you okay?" The hand on his shoulder made him turn away and quickly wipe his eyes, not that he cried, but they were damp.

"I'm alright."

Aurora wasn't convinced, not even in the slightest. As her eyes ran through the letters, she recognised the name to be similar to that on the grave that Akira visits.

"Who is Prae?"

Akira bit his lips, forcing himself to smile, "Our best friend. Our mother, our father, our everything.. he was always there for us whenever we needed. He never made us feel left out or unwanted, which was a feeling often implied on whoever lives in that castle."

"Us? Do you mean Jace and you?" Aurora could tell Akira needed to let out the emotions he has been burying for god knows how long. She could tell that he wanted to, needed to talk about so many things that had been weighing him down.

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