3. Sweet Memories Meant to be Forgotten

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Akira looked up at the sky that was starting to clear up now. Of course it will, the drinks and the loud music always calm him down. Unlike other people, the loud noises never gave him headaches. Instead, they made him feel at home.

They reminded him of his childhood when he was confined inside a storm for 20 years to become what he was.

A scoff made its way out of Akira's throat at the memories. And he took the long path towards his home.

Even though the street was mostly empty due to the awful weather, he could still hear footsteps behind himself that matched his pace.

Akira took a deep breath, preparing himself for whoever followed him.

The sky once again started turning dull and grey and black, accompanied with heavy rumbling.

He could tell by the change in pace of steps that they know. They know that Akira knows they are following him.

Akira turned around a corner, and so did the person following him.

But as soon as they had taken a step into that turn, lightning striked right on the tip of their feet, causing them to flinch back.

As the hooded follower looked up, they saw Akira in the shadows of the alley, eyes glowing a bright golden and the sharp silver metal shining in his hands.

"Who are you?" Akira growled, swinging his sword over his shoulder and stepping out of the darkness. He saw the person flinch back at his appearance, and a satisfied smirk made its way on his lips.

"Tell me who you are, or," He paused to give them a sharp look, "Die. I don't really care."

Akira reeled his sword back before swinging it, ready to cut through whoever was behind the hood. Until his sword froze merely an inch away from their throat after they had pulled their hood off.

Akira rolled his eyes, dropping his hands and letting the sword disappear in thin air. "Why are you here?"

The girl smiled, walking over to Akira and wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest. "Because I missed you." She replied, not letting go.

Akira, too, wrapped his arms around her shoulder for a moment. "Stop this nonsense, Akari." He pushed her arms off of himself and stepped aside to walk away.

But Akari grabbed her brother's wrist and pulled him back with force, sending him flying to collide with the wall of the alley.

Akira slid down the wall in pain, rough bricks scratching his back through the thin fabric of his shirt.

"This is no nonsense, my dear brother." She stepped closer to him before squatting in front of the groaning Akira. "I really do miss you."

Akira scoffed, standing up with a low groan. "Such an amazing representation of your feelings."

"It's only because you don't know how to listen to feelings," She chirped with a smile, "Gotta do something to make you feel the same pain I felt after you went, either it be emotionally or physically."

Akira let out a laugh, not because it was funny, but because her statement was ridiculous. She made it sound like he had a choice.

Acting upon Akira's annoyance and the anger, clouds let out a loud clap of thunder. The loud voice made Akari cover her ears with a pained yell.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Akira conjured a pair of earplugs and pulled her hands away to stuff them inside her ears.

"How many times have I told you not to step out without your earplugs?" He scolded, but Akari had a smile stretching on her lips.

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