11. The Launch Event

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The usually lifeless and stressed out office building was filled with even more stressed out workers running around the whole place, preparing for the event that was being held for the launch of the new products, recently designed by the company, in collaboration with one of the largest organisation.

"Hey, Akira, can you check on the speakers and mics? Thank you so much!" The female worker had almost flew away from the place after telling him the order.

Akira was left stunned for a moment until he walked towards the backstage area assigned for the placement of the sound system and other electrical remotes.

"Can we have a sound check real quick?" He asked the operator, who nodded his head and handed him a mic, switching it on. Tapping on the mic a few times, he cleared his throat.

"Ms. Aurora Ellenore, the boss, says you're fired." He spoke into the mic but almost dropped the mic after someone cleared their throat behind him.

He turned around after handing the mic back to the operator. Only to see Aurora glaring at him, hands folded over her chest.

Akira smiled, watching her stalk over to him, black heels clacking loud and proud, complimenting her short, black dress and her long legs.

"Having fun?" She snapped with a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, very much actually, you might want to try it out."

Aurora clicked her tongue in annoyance, "You seriously turn sweet in a moment and an annoying being the next." She referred to the last night when she was on the verge of taking her own life, but the dragon in front of her - quite literally - flew her away from her death.

"That's the fun of being unpredictable." He winked, a corner of his lips turning upwards in a small smile.

"Akira!" Came a voice from a distance, "Coming!" He called out before looking back at the girl. "See you," and he was out of her face in a second.

Aurora was left to watch his back disappear. Before, she, too, shook her head at his antics but couldn't help letting a small smile crack through her face. It was something about that freaking dragon that kept pulling her towards him.

The 'ballroom' was now filled with the guests invited for the launch event. Everywhere the eyes ran, expensive clothes cladded high-profile businessmen were walking around with their families, a drink in their hands as they talked to others, a plastic smile slapped onto their faces.

The place smelled of expensive perfumes and wealth.

In this event, the five desk mates stuck together by the bar, each sipping any kind of alcohol and laughing together, passing their time by judging all these people.

"Check out that guy. He's been running around, talking to every big businessman, probably new in the game, trying to butter up the more influential ones." Eric gestured over to a young looking man with his eyes, lifting his drink to his lips.

"Or," Aurora added. "Maybe he's going to take over his dad's business and wants to make a name for himself with the higher-ups." She crossed one of her legs over the another, leaning on her elbow, which rested on the counter of the bar.

"What about that one?" Akira pointed at a lady across the room, leaning against the counter.

"She's probably trying to set up her daughter with someone's son." Sandra answered, eyes as sharp as a hawk with her perfectly done winged liner.

"Or herself." Akira added with a sip of his drink as they watched the lady laugh at something the old businessman said, her hand on his arm, the other covering her mouth.

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