15. Little Mannerisms

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Akira stared at the mass of trainees spread all across the large area made specifically for any kind of major announcement. Like today. Akira wanted to just be introduced to them without the hassle, but the master just loved tormenting him by doing the exact opposite of the things he wanted.

The master of all made her extremely dramatic appearance, which Akira did not approve of and latched their hands together to drag him to the very front of the stage like area.

He hated this more than anything.

"My students," Her loud voice made several people flinch, while Akira stood there, hoping this to be as soon as possible. It was nearing 9 a.m., and he needed to get to the office soon.

"He has been known for his greatness, by all and now, he comes back to us, The great black dragon warrior who is destined for the greater good, the god of the dragons and the King of storms!"

Akira didn't do anything when they all clapped for him. He wasn't supposed to. The black dragon was not someone to get friendly with just anyone, especially inside this castle.

"Isn't he a murderer." Akira didn't miss a beat. No later than that boy had finished speaking, lightning striked from the clear sky, just beside his place.

The boy stumbled in shock, and people around him tried to protect him from falling, but it was of no use. The boy wasn't harmed, but he sure as hell was warned.

Jace and Eros, who were standing at the side 'til now, snickering at Akira's face, now feared for the boy's life as the dragon left the master's side to get off the stage and make his way towards the boy on the ground.

He stared at the dragon. His presence suffocated the boy.

Akira stared down at him for a few seconds, silently telling him to stay in his place, he was waiting for to boy to stand up, but when he didn't, Akira took a hold of his collar and pulled him up.

Akira dusted off his collar for no reason other than to appear threatening. "Your mouth is an amazing thing." He started. "It may bring you love, get you respect, and it may also attract enemies and get you in trouble. You must learn to use it wisely, according to the one you are speaking to, do you understand?"

The boy nodded his head, shakily. He bowed his head, "Forgive me, my lord."

Akira nodded him off and went back. Not to the stage, but the side where Jace and Eros were.

"How does it feel to be back?" Jace placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Amazing welcome." Sarcasm dripped from his emotionless voice, and he checked the time once again. "Right, I'm gonna go now."

"Akira, wait!-" Akira never waited, and Jace knew that. He shrugged, turning to Eros after Akira had disappeared, "At least he stayed for the announcement."

Akira took a deep breath, fixing his hair in the mirror of the lift. Not that it was untidy, but he wanted to make sure he looked perfect. Even though nothing has changed for people in the office. Something inside his heart told him to be presentable in front of everyone.

As he exited the lift, everyone left their work to stare at the man who walked in his full glory, feeling satisfied with himself. A small smile stretched on his lips. He thought he was emitting an aura, of course. He was a god. He must be looking exceptionally good today.

"1970s called. They want you back." Sandra's commented as soon as he reached to pull out his chair.

"Excuse me, what the fuck?" Akira looked around the whole place, everyone was still staring at him. He looked down at his attire and cursed himself.

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