Wade: um, everything. It's a fishbowl that is just made big.

Mayor: as the mayor of Sparksville, I welcome you seekers of wonder.

The mayor was an average man in his 30's or 40's wearing a light blue suit with a box tie, brown shoes, has brown hair, fair skin and he spoke in the most deadpanned and monotone voice ever.

Max: I know you will always guys are probably excited to see it, so I'll go check us in. <gives the tickets to Wade>

Wade: I'm gonna wander around and probably fall asleep in a bench like a homeless person so... <gives two tickets to Ben> have fun.

Ben: Wade!

Wade: not listening! <turns his watch into earmuffs> see! Not listening!

Gwen: let's just go.

Ben and Gwen went to the jack-a-lope building as Ben rings a bell only for the mayor to walk over.

Mayor: tickets, please.

Ben: I thought you were the Mayor.

Mayor:<takes the tickets> he who wear the crown is burdened by many hats, son.

Gwen and Ben:<enter>

Mayor: mind the signs.

Ben and Gwen took pictures of their time in Sparksville as they took a picture next to the Jack-a-lope as Gwen looked at it weirdly and Ben falling asleep, next picture was then making funny faces in front of the Jack-a-lope, the next picture was them taking a side ways picture next to the sideways motel sign, the next picture was in a photo cardboard thing where you can put their faces in and this one was about the old farming couple with Ben having a serious face and Gwen looking at him with a raised eyebrow, the next picture was of them standing in the planetary display, the next picture was of Ben making fun of a guy fixing the sun and Gwen laughing, the next picture was of them looking at the giant castle of cards, the next picture was of Ben smelling a delicious hotdog as the next pictures were of Gwen spraying mustard and ketchup on Ben before he ran after her while throwing his hot dog, the next picture was of them wearing gift shop stuff of Ben wearing sunglasses and a cap while Gwen wore a cap with those glasses that have slinky eyes, the next picture was of Ben and Gwen blowing their cheeks while standing in front of the fishbowl, the next picture was of them resting on the bench Wade was taking a nap in as Ben was falling asleep and Gwen drinking a lemonade, the next picture was them getting ready to draw on Wade's face but Wade woke up and scared them, the next picture was of them without Wade looking at the sign of "it" is this way as the picture compilation ended.

Now they were standing in front of a barn as it had a sign that said "It's Here".

Mayor: through these doors lies the weirdest, wildest thing ever to find its way to Sparksville.

The doors opened as Ben and Gwen walked through.

Ben: please tell this is it because I can't stand it anymore. "Do not touch it."

Gwen: "do not photograph it."

Both: "do not use batteries or electrical equipment anywhere near it."

They stopped before a big flashing sign that said "This is It." The sign lifted itself up as what was behind was a... giant rubber band ball.

Ben: this is it?

Gwen: it's a big ball of rubber bands.

Mayor: and who knows what secrets lie within.

Ben: uh, more rubber bands?

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