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Whole day Sia's mood was off.. The way Zaib behaved in the morning was very weird to her. He never ever shouted at his dad but today he did.
(In the night)
Sia prepared dinner for her and Zaib as his father was upset so he said no to the dinner and went to Sia's home to meet her dad. Sia was waiting for him in the hall.
Sia: It's 11 now.. Where is he? He is not picking up the call too.
She tried calling him once more but he didn't picked up. Sighing she went to their room to change her clothes as saree was not her style generally.
She changed into her PJ's and sat on the bed again tried to call him but no answer. Now she was getting panicked, bad thoughts started to emerged in her mind.
Sia: Where are u boo....

Now it was 12 am Zaib was still not home. Sia was pacing back and forth biting her nail in anxiety, trying his call but still no answer. Now her eyes started to tear up, tears started to fall from her eyes. Now the silence in the room was killing her, her heart was feeling heavy, she was scared...

So here's another part
I know I am soooo late but situation was against me so I was unable to write... Thank you for this much views on previous parts.... It was unexpected
Well from now parts will be short and update will be daily....
Thank you a d please vote ⭐
Saranghae 💜

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