Chapter 13 Part 2: Operation Typhoon (German/Austro-Hungarian)

Start from the beginning

Marine Captain: Nimm das Gebäude! (Take the building!)

Marine 1: Flammenwerfer geht rein! (Flamethrower goes in!)

The soldiers and marines stepped aside to see the flame trooper approaching the door before spewing in constant flames. 

Soon loud screaming was heard from inside as the rest of the soldiers left from being near the building to clearing the rest of the island as more flame troopers arrived clearing out buildings as loud screaming was heard across the island.

The Marine Captain grabbed a radio contacting the SMS Nassau and the rest of the fleet.

Marine Captain: Hier ist Kapitän Kasimir, die Insel ist frei. Jeglicher feindliche Widerstand ist tot oder brennt. (This is Captain Kasimir; the island is free. All enemy resistance is dead or on fire.)

Sieg: Denken Sie daran, ziehen Sie auf das Festland und helfen Sie beim Großangriff. (Remember, move to the mainland and help in the large-scale attack.)

Kasimir: Verstanden. (Understood.)

The marine captain the whistled out gaining the attention needed.

Kasimir: Lass uns gehen! Wir brauchen Unterstützung beim Mistral Capital-Angriff. (Let's go! We need assistance with the Mistral Capital attack.)

The marines and soldiers rushed back down to the LCVP's to relocate to the mainland as the Nassau Fleet kept on shelling important positions, so the Austro-Hungarians and Italians succeeded in their missions. Meanwhile LST's landed on the island deploying artillery batteries alongside tanks.

Meanwhile on the Anima Island chain.

A-H Landings. (Austro-Hungarian)

Vili: Megy! Megy! Megy! Az ellenség a sziklán! (Go! Go! Go! The enemy on the rock!)

Temporary Lieutenant Colonel, Vili Fabain was leading his men from the vanguard, as he led his battalion. The enemy was stationed on a tall hill that the Austro-Hungarians called, "Sas Szeme Erődje" or Eagle's Eye Fortress.

A-H Soldier 1: Most mi ezredes!? (What now Colonel!?)

The nicknamed Eagle's Eye Fortress was previously an Atlas outpost to warn the mainland of an invasion. But when Atlas was informed of the invasion a month before it started, they fortified the location to contain a garrison of soldiers with Paladins and Spider Droid's to shoot down ships. And because of the fortress, a third of the Austro-Hungarian landing force was killed.

Vili looked around and spotted his third-in-command.

Vili: Kapitány Géza! (Captain!)

Captain Dezső Géza and Vili's Captain responded. 

Géza: Igen ezredes!? (Yes Colonel!?)

Vili: Vegyünk egy Platoont, és lopakodjunk hátul! (Take a Platoon and sneak around the back!)

Géza: Igen ezredes! (Yes Colonel!)

Géza then shouted out some orders as he and a platoon of soldiers fell back and then circled around.

Géza: Keresnünk kell egy kis belépési pontot. (We need to find a small entry point.)

An Austro-Hungarian soldier then spotted a crack in the wall.

A-H Soldier 1: Van valami. (There is something.)

The soldier then pointed to a decently sized crack in the wall.

A-H Soldier 2: Kaptam dinamitot, Rajmundnak pedig a lángszórója. (I got dynamite, and Rajmund got his flamethrower.)

Géza: Jó, menjünk. (Good, let's go.)

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