22. Fifth Photo

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After 1st Period

Blair, Seth, and Christine walked out of the classroom and headed to Blair's locker where they usually waited for Jennifer at. "I can't believe this..." Christine said. "I mean, atleast things are getting out of the way so nobody else gets attacked, right?" Seth said. "You have a point, I'm just concerned for what's gonna happen to everyone while we're on curfew for the rest of the month" Blair said back. "I'm going to flip, I'm seriously going to flip" Christine said as she kept taking deep breaths and Seth wrapped his arm around her waist for comfort. "WOOHOO!" Ian yelled in the hallway as he came over to Seth, Blair, and Christine with Jennifer.

"SCHOOL'S OUT!" He yelled excitedly. "For a good reason!" Jenn rolled her eyes at him annoyed by his yelling. "Three more periods," Ian said as he held up three fingers with a stupid smile, "three more periods until hell is out of the way!" He said as he ran away to his next class but jumped in the air to smack the hallway door frame as he ran. Jenn scoffed and turned back to Blair and Seth, "you guys ready to go?" They both nodded and Seth gave Christine a reassuring peck on the lip and she smiled before waving the three of them off.

When They Got To 2nd Period

The three of them entered the classroom and went to their seats and sat down. The teacher came in and explained the same exact rules as Mr. Shaffle did. Memorial this, class ends that, and more speeches about being a Southerner. Blair was bouncing her leg up and down anxiously and that was until it hit the bottom of the desk and Blair felt something fall on her lap. She pulled out of her chair a little and her eyes widened, a photo...

She picked it up but kept the view low so the teacher wouldn't see. It was a photo of Blair in Officer Lou's car driving to the school this morning. She turned the photo over and there was a message. Not even the police can see me. Her eyes were paused and she startled when Jennifer tapped her desk. She looked at her, "you alright?" She whispered to Blair. Blair just looked at Jenn in horror making her face turn into a confused and nervous expression. "Blair. What is it?" Seth also whispered to her. "Blair, is there a problem?" The teacher interrupted her thoughts. She shot her head over to him and she nodded her head, "may I use the restroom?" She asked.

"You're not allowed to use the restroom in the beginning or middle of class-" "please..." she had a crack at the end. "Blair, what's wrong?" Jenn asked her getting concerned. Jenn and Seth looked at eachother like they knew something was up. Before the teacher could even say no again, Blair got up and ran out of the classroom. "Blair!" The teacher went out the classroom but Blair was already gone. "Can I go check on her?" Seth raised his hand. "Please hurry, Mr. Wesley" the teacher replied and Seth also ran out of the classroom.

Blair ran into the office, "Blair?-" "Officer Lou, where's Officer Lou? Please, where is he?" She asked with sacredness in her voice. "He went to the counselors room, Lawson" Principal Campbell replied. Blair felt like she was losing her mind, she ran back out the office and ran down to the counselors room but saw that he wasn't there. She kicked a locker in frustration and yanked at her hair as she slid her body down the locker and her eyes began to get watery and her heart was racing while she also began to feel lightheaded. She layed her head down on her lap and she held her chest to prevent herself from crying like crazy.

"Aw, did the little girl get lost again?" Her head shot up and she saw Danielle and Julie. "Get lost" Blair said to her. "Well, that's just too bad, you ruined my week, so now, I ruin yours" Danielle said. Danielle then kneeled down with a smirk, "you don't have to hide your knife, I know that you're the murderer, murderer" she then started laughing making Julie laugh a little, too. Blair felt her exhaustion turn into anger and she balled up her fist but Danielle noticed and started laughing more. "Do it, I dare you. You probably killed Brittany and Mrs. Mullins like the dirty little bitch you already are. You're just a murderer" she said to Blair.

"Alright, take a hint, girls" Officer Lou stepped in and shoved Danielle and Julie out the way and he helped Blair up. "Oh, Officer, this girl-" "I saw it all and I think it's safe to say that Principal Campbell will be notified about this" Officer Lou cut her off before wrapping his arm around Blair's neck and walked away with her. "Whatever then! If you wanna believe a murderer like almost every cop does, then you'll see how much she'll fail once this all catches up to her!" Danielle said. Officer Lou then put a book in Blair's hand and she looked at him. "I never gave you the book" he said as he wasn't looking at Blair to pretend that he didn't hand her the book.

"Murderer! Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!-" Blair ran up to Danielle and slammed the book across her face making Julie gasp and she ran down the hall to the office. Danielle let out a cry and Blair slammed the book across her face a second time and was about to do a third time until she heard Principal Campbell's voice coming from the other side of the hallway. She grabbed the book and and ran into a corner and Principal Campbell scrambled past her with Julie and that's when Blair took the chance to go run down the hall to the office where Officer Lou was at.

She entered the office and saw Officer Lou who gave Blair an innocent smile but the smile had words as in "did it work?" And Blair nodded. "So what's the explanation for being out of class?" He asked her. Blair looked down at the photo and Officer Lou also saw the photo and a concerned look grew on his face. Blair handed him the photo and he looked at it and turned the photo around to read the message before letting out a nervous sigh. "You remember to meet me in the lobby after school for me to drive you home, right?" Officer Lou asked her. Blair was looking down and she had frightened tears in her eyes but she took a deep breath to prevent them.

"It's okay to cry, Blair" he said to her. "Yeah, no, I'm aware. I just don't like crying unless it's reasonable" she said back. "And this is reasonable. Hun, someone wants to do harm and that's something to be scared and cry about" he said to her. A tear came down her cheek and she quickly wiped it. "I think you should stay in here until 4th period which I think is your last class of the day before curfew break" he said to her. She nodded understandably and sat down, "I'll go let your 2nd and 3rd period teacher know" he said before walking out of the office. Danielle and Julie then came inside the office with Principal Campbell.

"There she is!" Julie pointed at Blair. "Okay, keep going, Anderson" Principal Campbell said to her as he scolded Danielle who was holding her hands over her bloody nose and Julie towards his office. Blair's eyes shifted down as she fiddled with her fingers scaredly.

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