20. Five Kids, One Night

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12 AM, Thursday

Blair was laying on her bed in the dark as she stared at the ceiling. That was until she heard a bunch of bushes moving and loud whispering which she assumed was Jennifer, Seth, Christine, and Ian. She got up from her bed and walked over to the window. She saw Christine slap Ian over the head because he tripped over a rock. Blair opened her window, "guys!" She whisper yelled and they all looked up at her. "Come on!" Christine whisper yelled. Blair jumped out of the window and landed on the grass. "You guys are loud when coming in" Blair said to them.

"Blame Ian" Seth said. "What?! Seth pushed me!" Ian whisper yelled. "My gosh, shut up and let's just go" Jennifer said. "Right...- did your mom or sister hear you?" Seth asked Blair. "Surprisingly not" she replied. "Someone give this girl a gold medal, I'm the one who taught her how to be a badass" Christine said as she wrapped her arm around Blair's neck. "I didn't know you had a little sister" Jennifer said to Blair. "That's because you've never been to her house" Christine said to Jennifer. "I know, I'm not stupid" she said back to Christine. They all started walking down the streets.

The street lights were still on and the five of the teenagers walked side by side. Christine lightly elbowed Blair and gave her a look as in "did more photos come in?" And Blair shook her head. "So, Seth, you gonna tell Blair about the little hiding spot you found behind the school last year?" Ian said to him. "Oh, yeah...so, Blair, I was just outside during P.E. and I saw it and came there after school everyday and weirdly, nobody's been there and has no idea that it exists" he explained. "And don't worry, there is no spiders in there like all of you girls like to be scared about so much" Seth said making the three girls look at him.

"Shut up, what's your fear then?" Christine asked him. "My fear is not being able to keep up with my girl" he said before wrapping his arm around her neck and kissing her on the cheek making her smile. Blair just stepped away from the four of them a bit as they walked holding hands with their partners. Blair felt a bit jealous and unsure of what to do. "Oh, don't worry, Blair, we'll find you someone" Christine said as she took Seth's arm off of her and wrapped her arm around Blair's neck instead. "Yeah, think of this as an example" Ian said.

"You ass!" Jennifer slapped his shoulder as he laughed. "No, I'm alright" Blair said back. "That's what they all say and it ends up being a lie" Seth said as he also wrapped his arm around Blair's neck. Blair just sighed shook her head.

Once They Got To The School

Blair was getting a bit nervous as they stepped in front of the school. "Aren't the cameras on?" She asked them. "Nah, the whole school completely closes once all teachers leave" Seth replied to her as he smiled at her for reassurance. Blair felt relieved but she was still a bit nervous because what if cops come? "And don't worry, cops don't really come towards the school past midnight" Jenn said to her. "Yeah, they're usually on duty elsewhere or just don't give a shit about their job in general" Ian said next.

"Shouldn't we run just in case some cars come though?" Blair asked and they all looked at her surprised. "Jeez, how many more rules are you gonna break, rukebreaker?" Seth smirked at her. "Well, you heard the girl, let's get moving!" Christine said and they all started running towards the back of the school. Once they were back there, they walked since they were out of breath and Seth walked in front of them. "The leader always knows" he said making Blair smile a little. As they were walking, they headed into the field and walked past the soccer net and that's when Blair saw a mini shed in the woods.

It looked wrecked almost as if it was on fire in the past. "It's not like this in the inside" Seth told Blair. She raised her eyebrows as he opened the rusty door. He wasn't kidding, inside of the shed, were cleaned walls and there wasn't any bugs surprisingly. "Calm down, Jenn, there aren't any spiders" Christine said to Jennifer. "That'll be bullshit in a second" she said back. "Yeah. I haven't been in here in a while but the last time I was, there were a few bugs" Christine said. "It's a shed in a forest" Ian said to her. "Well, no kidding" she said back.

"It's actually nice in here" Blair defended making everyone turn to her and Jennifer had a disgusted look. "I mean, it's peaceful. Like, if you wanna just come inside of here instead of listening to all the loud yelling outside or just when you're upset and wanting to be alone," Blair shrugged, "in my opinion, I think this would be the spot to come to in that case" she finished. Jennifer shook her head disagreeing, "yeah- no, I'm out" she said as she stepped out. "I guess I am, too" Ian also stepped out. Christine sighed but she was also a bit disgusted. "I'm sorry" she placed her hand on his cheek and caresses his cheek before stepping out.

Seth looked a bit offended but he shook it off and looked at Blair. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to" he said to her. She rolled her eyes, "that's just them, but me? I like this" she sat on the ground and he looked down at her unsure if he should appreciate her for being nice about it or have them both leave with the rest of the group before they ditch them behind. "Guys, come on!" Christine said. Blair groaned and got up before exiting the shed with Seth. "That was gross, sorry, Seth" Jenn said to him.

"Really, Jenn?" Christine looked at her. "Chrissi, you also left the shed, so I don't wanna hear you" Jenn said back. "I mean, it wasn't HORRIBLE" Ian said. "Let me see you guys build a shed in the forest then" Seth said to them. "Why would we do that? That's gross!" Jenn said. "I thought it was actually nice" Blair defended. "Blair, being nice equals taken advantage of" Ian said. "It's a shed! I liked it" she defended again. Seth gave her a "thank you" smile and she returned it with a kind smile.

They then heard a police siren and their eyes widened and they turned around. "Fuck!" Christine said. The cop pulled over and rolled his window down and Blair's eyes widened more. It was Officer Lou. "Officer, we were just-" "sneaking out of your houses and exploring around, I get it" he cut off Jenn. "But now, I think it's time you four should go home before more cops come out and let me tell you, they're not as nice as me" he said. They groaned, "bye, Blair" Christine waved off with Jenn and Ian following her. Seth stood there for a second, "thank you, Blair" he said meaning her defending him before walking away. "Yeah," she replied before turning to Officer Lou.

"Blair" "Officer Lou," he signaled for her to get in the backseat. She got in and sat there, "you're gonna tell my mom" "no. I use to do the same thing when I was your age. I'm gonna sneak you back inside of your house?" he replied. "How'd you even know I was out?" She asked him. "You left your bedroom window open" he replied to her. Blair sighed in frustration. "Let's get you back home" he said to her. Once she was back home, she got out. "Hey. How mad is your mother about earlier?" He asked her. "Mad, but she'll get over it" she replied. He nodded and watched as Blair walked back towards her window and climbed in before driving away.

Luckily, nobody heard her. She closed her window and jumped on her bed and layed there until her eyes started to get heavy making her go to sleep.

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