chapter eight

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"Well, look at the little bitches getting their drink on." One of the two older intruders laughs at the three of them, waking Lottie up from her nap. Something only Stiles and Scott knew was an awful thing to do.

"Who the fuck just called us little bitches?" She grumbled, untangling herself from Scott, rubbing the sleep of eyes as her sight set on the two figures in front of them.

"Give it back." Scott demanded.

"What's that, little man?" The shorter of the two asked mockingly.

"I think he wants a drink." His friend responded.

"Sorry to interrupt. You two 'Hairy, Lairy Biker' rejects have just woken me up from a well-earned nap and now you're stealing our alcohol? Nope, not happening." Lottie fumed, cracking her knuckles, groaning as Stiles stopped her from taking a step forward by wrapping his arms tightly around her middle.

"I want the bottle." Scott repeated, not an ounce of fear radiating off of him as Lottie stood in between her two friends.

"Scott, let's just go." Stiles suggested.

"You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles." Scott replied, unnervingly calm. "I'm not drunk yet."

The taller of the guys daringly takes a challenging swig from the bottle, looking pleased for himself. That is until Scott stands from where he'd been sitting on the rock next to Lottie, not a glimpse of the usual cheery smile he adorns.

"Give me the bottle." Scott repeated, taking a deliberate step forward, eyes not leaving the two intruders who began to glance at each other nervously. There was something so eerie about how calm Scott was.

"Give me. The bottle. Of Jack." Scott demanded one final time as his eyes glowed yellow. Lottie tugged on Stiles' arm pointing at the claws that were extending from Scott's right hand, reaching for the taller of the guys.

"Scott." Stiles called out. Scott paused before swiping the bottle away from the guys, launching into a nearby tree, unflinching as it smashed into pieces. The guys left pretty quickly after that.

"Please tell me that was because of the breakup. Or better yet, because tomorrow's the full moon." Stiles asked as they made their way back to the Jeep, Lottie on his back half asleep. "Going home now. Yeah?" Stiles questioned as Scott helped lie Lottie along the backseat and Stiles into the passenger seat. But Scott doesn't answer, instead keeping his hand on the door and an ear in the direction of the woods, as if he's listening to something in the far distance.

"Guys? I love you both, but I need my bed. Actually I don't care whose bed it is at this point. I just need the world to stop spinning. Can we please move?" Lottie mumbled in the back, making Scott shake his head and take the girl to his house after dropping Stiles off, wanting to make sure she didn't choke on her vomit in the night.


"You alive in there?" Melissa McCall called out to Scotts room, making Lottie clutch her hands over her ears.

"No." She called out with Scott.


"Present. I'm dead though."

"Not ready to go back to school?" She asked, ignoring Lottie's comment, going back to questioning Scott.


"Want to stay home another day?"

"No." Scott answered.

"Yes." Lottie said at the same time.

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