chapter eight

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 1.08 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'you two 'hairy, lairy biker' rejects have just woken me up from a well-earned nap and now you're stealing our alcohol?'


"Can you at least tell me what we're doing out here?" Scott asked Stiles as they, along with Lottie, made their way through the woods in the dark.

"Yeah, if I'd have known the woods were going to be involved, I wouldn't have worn these shoes." Lottie sighed, looking down at her once pristine white trainers.

"When your best friend gets dumped-"

"I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break." Scott interrupted.

"When your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break," Stiles started before taking out a bottle of Jack Daniels from his jacket, "You get your best friend drunk."

"I hope you brought me something else. I'll volunteer myself to the Alpha before I put that battery acid down my gullet." Lottie said, smiling as Stiles pulled out another bottle of Peach Schnapps just for her. "I don't know how you fit that in there but I'm glad you did."

"That's what she said." The boys responded in unison, smirking at the girl.

"You've been watching too much of 'The Office' , you're on a ban from now on. Now can we sit? My legs hurt." Lottie asked, plopping herself on the ground by a rock.

"Perfect location. Now, bottoms up." Stiles said as he handed the bottle to Scott who clinked his bottle against Lottie's and took a swig.


A couple of hours and half a bottle of Jack Daniels and a full bottle of Peach Schnapps later, Stiles and Lottie were very drunk.

"Dude, she's one girl. There are plenty more girls in the sea." Stiles mused as Lottie wobbled to her feet, sitting next to Scott on the rock, laying her legs over his lap as she snuggled into his side.

"Fish in the sea." Scott corrected, putting an arm around a sleepy Lottie.

"What? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. Especially ones with brown hair, blue eyes, five foot one, funny as hell..." Stiles listed off attributes of a person whose name he couldn't quite picture.

"You mean like-" Scott cut himself, glancing between his two friends with a grin on his face. They'd be perfect for each other but it would most likely be an impossible task getting them to see that, he'd have to let it pan out between the two of them organically. "What happened to Lydia?"

"Who? Oh Lydia... She was beautiful... She... What was I talking about?" Stiles asked, looking up at Scott and a sleeping Lottie with a cheesy grin on his face before he noticed how glum his friend looked. "You don't look happy. Drink."

"I don't want anymore."

"You're not drunk?"

Scott stared into the fire they'd made earlier in an old metal trash can, pensively, "I don't feel anything."

"Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore. Maybe you can't get drunk." Stiles mused, thinking out loud. "Am I drunk?"

"You're wasted." Scott replied with a light laugh, adjusting Lottie who grumbled incoherently in her sleep.

"Yeahhhhhh." Stiles agreed, putting his fist up for a fist bump but was ignored. "Dude, I know it feels bad. But you gotta' remember. As much as being broken up hurts... being alone is even worse. Wait a minute. That didn't come out right. I need another drink." Stiles sighed, reaching for the bottle, only to take a step back in surprise as another hand grabbed it first. Standing to his feet drunkenly, Stiles made his way over to his friends.

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