Third Year - 16

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Erica LaRue has successfully completed another year.

As a result of Professor Lupin's unannounced absence, the rest of the Defense Against The Dark Arts classes were taught by Professor Snape, despite the protests of many students. Final Exams had been taken, and nearly every student had a mental breakdown when it was finally time.

Except Hermione, of course. She thrives on Final Examinations. Of course she was the first one done with her exams every time.

While Slytherin gave their greatest performance in a long time, they ended up in second place, losing the Inter-House Quidditch Cup Championship to Gryffindor. Winning the Quidditch Cup also manages to help Gryffindor secure the House Cup.

The whole of Slytherin was not at all happy with this outcome, with Professor Snape refusing to show anything other than a blank expression for the remainder of the year. Marcus Flint instantly flew into a rage at the massive loss, and ended up hexing multiple First Years and subsequently received detention for the rest of the year.

For better or for worse, Malorn actually remained bedridden for the rest of the school year, as his recovery was very slow. He was pardoned by the Headmaster, and they used his first and half of his second term to calculate his class grades for the year. He was finally released from the Hospital Wing a few days prior to the end of the year.

Now, the students of Hogwarts are packing their belongings, preparing for their long train ride back home.

Daphne and Pansy are on their usual antics while they clear out their spades, and it takes perhaps what would be the last of her patience and good nature to not respond to their cheap jabs.

"I'm hoping you'll get the good sense to not come back, if the Dementor attack wasn't enough of a sign for you." Daphne says.

"They were targeting someone else, and Malorn, Lucille and I got caught in the middle." Erica frowns as she snaps the locks on her suitcase closed. "If you've been paying attention to his condition at all, you'd know that they were more interested in Malorn."

"Obviously they were more interested in him, but the stench of your dirty blood led them to him in the first place." Pansy says. "That much is clear."

"Okay, whatever you wish to believe." Erica shrugs, picking up Alfie's cage along with her other stuff. She heads downstairs, and sets her suitcases off to the side in the common room as usual, for the house elves to transport onto the train.

Theo and Malorn are standing around by the couches in conversation. Lucille's things are there, but she appears to be no where in sight.

"Where's Lucy gone to?" Erica asks.

"Helping Blaise with his things." Theo says. "Apparently a very unhappy First Year hexed his suitcases to be unmovable."


Daphne and Pansy come downstairs, and set their things aside. While Pansy immediately goes up to the boys dorm to see where Draco is, Daphne walks over to Malorn and peers closely over at him. "Why do you look like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you're a ghost." Daphne states. "Are you certain the treatment worked?"

"I think you're overthinking." Malorn says. "I feel just fine."

"No... for Salazar's sake..." Daphne grabs Malorn's face to take a good look at him. " look like the undead. Are you sure you're alright?"

Malorn slaps Daphne's hand away from his face. "I said I'm fine."

Lucille comes down the stairs now, with Blaise, Pansy and Draco in tow. She looks mildly annoyed, but smiles upon seeing Erica. "Hello, Erica. You took your sweet time coming down."

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