First Year - 9

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The day finally comes when it's time for Erica to return to Hogwarts. When most students are filled with excitement, she is only filled with dread. She had packed her things away the night before, frowning in distaste at the green color of her school robes.

She almost considers refusing to go and simply missing the train. Though, she's sure the Headmaster will simply teleport to her front door to chastise her.

The commute to Kings Cross is a torturous suspenseful trip. The closer they get, the deeper the pit in her stomach becomes. After arriving to their destination, she robotically unloads the car and takes her holiday suitcases with her, hand in hand, her mother holding onto Alfie's cage.

Perhaps her parents can feel her immense discomfort at being around other wizards again because they both remain quiet, when they'd usually be hyping her up right about now. They help her with her luggage, issue a heartfelt goodbye and allow her to board the train without any fuss. Erica can see Mrs. Weasley in the corner of her eye, giving her a calculating look, almost as if trying to figure her out. If she had the guts, she would go find Ron and punch him in the stomach for the insulting comment about her house placement.

Alas, confrontation isn't really her thing.

She passes by Luna sitting with a few of her Ravenclaw peers and decides to simply find her own compartment. She quickly finds one and makes herself comfortable for the long journey home. Alfie is seated on the jacket beside her, she has snacks in her lap as well as a muggle book in her hand. Would it not have attracted even more unwanted attention to her, she would've brought her Gameboy with her.

No one sits in the compartment with her, and when the train starts making its way out of the station, she promptly locks the sliding door. While somewhat lonely, she finds the quiet comforting. She falls asleep at some point just before sunset, allowing her to at least rest before facing the challenges of Hogwarts.

She grudgingly changes into her Slytherin robes just before the train pulls into the Hogwarts station. Hagrid is outside again, this time greeting everyone and asking about their holiday. He directs them to the self-pulling carriages this time, the long boat ride seemingly only a one time thing for new arrivals.

Erica unintentionally finds herself in a carriage with Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott but they're both so wrapped up in their conversation that they don't even acknowledge her. She can hear Blaise ranting furiously in Italian whilst Theodore responds calmly in English. She hears "Malfoy" come up a couple of times, but paired with a given name that she doesn't recognize.

Whatever it is they're discussing, they sound angry.

With the feast in The Great Hall already laid out, students are free to seat themselves upon entering, bags being brought to their dorms for them.

"Surprised you decided to come back, Mudblood." Erica glances up from her dinner, unsurprised to see Pansy smirking at her. "A few of us placed a bet that you wouldn't have the gall to show back up after-"

Erica eventually tunes her out, and looks down the table to further disengage from the one-sided conversation. She sees Lucille talking to Blaise and Theodore, then her gaze settles on Draco, a bruise on his right cheek catching her eye instantly. Malorn gives her a look from the corner of his eye and she immediately turns away, interest now dangerously piqued.

Well, who could the jerk have angered this time? And on a holiday break? Santa Clause?

As the feast comes to a close, Gemma Farley eventually pops up in typical loud mouthed main character fashion, reminding her house mates that curfew starts soon. Wanting to be in bed before the troublemakers show up, Erica decides to head to the dorms earlier than her peers. She only makes it to right outside the Slytherin common room before Professor Dumbledore somehow catches her.

"Miss LaRue!" The Headmaster calls from behind her, accompanied by an older student in Hufflepuff robes. "I had meant to pull you aside after everyone had gone, but you left early, so I figured we'd speak to you now."

Erica waits patiently for The Headmaster to continue speaking. She wonders if she's in any kind of trouble - perhaps for punching Draco in the face?

"Ahem. Miss LaRue, this is Cedric Diggory, a Third Year Hufflepuff." Dumbledore introduces the two, prompting them both to shake hands. "I had heard from your professors that you've been having trouble with spell work. I understand you've been having Luna Lovegood assist you in material, but we all thought it'd be beneficial to have an older student help you with magic itself. He is one of our finest students, and I think will make a great tutor for you."

"Oh, yeah, Professor Flitwick mentioned something like that." Erica smiles a bit. "I guess it slipped my mind."

Dumbledore's eyes scan her, concerned. "You should get some sleep." He says, noticing the way she is slumped, as if her back and  shoulders are bearing a great weight above them, and her eyes look about ready to shut from stress-induced exhaustion. "Your tutor sessions with Mr. Diggory will begin next week on Monday, and will regularly take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7pm to 8pm."

"Okay." Erica nods. "Thank you, Headmaster. And you too, Cedric. I know this has to be a bit of an inconvenience for you. I'm just not nearly at the place I should be right now with anything - you've got your work cut out for you."

"It's not an inconvenience." Cedric reassures. "If I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't have said yes. We all need help sometimes."

"Yes, even I struggled with some classes when I was your age. Don't set your goals based on other's achievements. Everyone learns at their own pace." Dumbledore advises. "I've been at this school for many many years and lots of Muggleborns struggle with school studies and especially spell work. It is simply a common effect of being so distantly separated from their last magical ancestor. Sometimes it takes time for their abilities to fully manifest."

"I'll do my very best to help you." Cedric says.

"Thank you." Erica motions to her common room. "I'm going to head to bed now before my house mates show up. Goodnight to you both. I'll see you Monday, Cedric."

Cedric and Dumbledore both say a Goodnight before taking their leave. Erica finally walks through the doorway, not at all missing the way Chordata glares hatefully at her as she passes by, having overheard the conversation regarding her blood purity and magical ability.

Erica rubs her eyes. I have a feeling things are going to get worse for me now.

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