Second Year - 10

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"I just can't stand them!" Lucille shouts, angrily. "They've only apologized because they've realized how angry I am! I don't think they even know they did something wrong!"

Erica watches from her bed as Lucille paces back and forth in the dormitory. Her parents sent her a letter apologizing for their behavior over the summer when they were all at the Malfoy Manor. After blowing up the whole letter, Lucille finally revealed to Erica the embarrassing story of Draco's parents suggesting that Draco and Lucille be arranged to marry. And Lucille's parents oddly enough, entertained the idea.

"Lucy..." Erica calls out, warily. "...I think you should write to them. You've ignored them since we've been back at school..."

"Ugh!" Lucille glares. "You sound like-"

"-Don't." Erica cuts in, not angrily, but tiredly. "I know what you're about to say. Greengrass and I have nothing in common. Her intentions for you to reconnect with your family is because she agrees with them. I'm saying to write to them because maybe you can explain in depth what they've done and how they've gone and angered you, intentionally or unintentionally."

Lucille rubs her eyes, and sighs. "Okay. No, you're right. I apologize."

"It's okay. Thank you."

"I'll write to them after the Quidditch match tomorrow. I can't wait to see Hufflepuff kick Gryffindors ass."

"Have fun." Erica says. "Don't come back here too angry when Gryffindor wins."

"Huh?" Lucille frowns. "What do you mean "have fun"? You're not coming tomorrow?"

"Er... no, sorry." Erica apologizes. "I just... have a lot of work to catch up on."

"Work to catch up on?" Lucille repeats incredulously. "All you've been doing is work! At this point your grades are rivaling Draco and Granger!"

Erica sighs deeply. It's the first week of March now. She had already missed the Ravenclaw vs Slytherin match back in February, and has little to no interest in watching the match tomorrow. She already knows Gryffindor is going to totally flatten Hufflepuff. She's seen them play enough to know.

"I hope you're not planning on trying to skip Quidditch practice next year." Lucille crosses her arms. "If Malorn manages to sneak you onto the team, you're gonna have to seriously dedicate yourself."

"I know." Erica says. "I already am."

She remembers one of her more recent lessons with Malorn. They had made a lot of progress over the last few months, and she finds that flying grants her some semblance of peace. Perhaps in her right mind she knows that the monster isn't itching to catch her middair - she's not even sure if it could.

"Alright, this may be a bit tricky, but follow my lead here." Malorn instructed. They did some basic fast flying, but towards the end he threw in some quick maneuvers and turns. He was wildly surprised when he turned to see Erica still close behind him, not looking disheveled at all, actually quite excited and filled with adrenaline.

"You're a natural, Muddy!" Malorn gaped at her. "Are you certain you've never played before?"

Erica nods, a smile on her face. "Certain."

"It's okay, though. I understand why." Erica snaps out of her memory as Lucille speaks again. "I know you're not studying. I know you've been trying to find information on the Chamber of Secrets in order to try and protect yourself, I've seen the books."

Erica's mouth forms into a straight line. "..."

"You know... it's alright to be scared, Erica." Lucille says, softly. "I'm scared for you. I can't imagine being in your shoes right now."

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