Third Year - 11

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Erica sits comfortably beside Malorn in the Quidditch tent. Marcus is writing down a disorganized bunch of strategies for their game today, with Graham murmuring in his own opinions here and there.

"Alright, so, today is our match against Ravenclaw." Marcus says. "Ravenclaw as a whole are a pretty solid team. Their seeker, Cho Chang, isn't a Harry Potter, but she's still as nimble as they come. Draco, take her seriously please, otherwise you'll run the risk of losing us the game."

Draco murmurs an insult under his breath, directed at Harry.

"Their Chasers are Randolph Burrow, Jeremy Stretton, and Roger Davies, their captain. Us Chasers, Graham, Cassius and I will try to avoid getting singled out by Davies, while holding the Quaffle. If Davies has the Quaffle then we all gang up on him. Regardless of the circumstances, Lucian and Malorn, please primarily aim for Davies. Peregrine, do the same if we need you to substitute."

Marcus turns to Erica now and his lip curls in disgust. "Erica, you're benched for now, we're sending Miles, our substitute, out first. Miles, do your thing, the only one who really throws hard or feigns shots is Davies. The other two are new Chasers." Marcus claps his hands. "Let's go, guys! Hop to it!"

Erica sighs, and Malorn puts a hand on her shoulder in an act of comfort. Of course they'd find a way to prevent her from playing, keeping Miles Bletchley as a substitute Keeper and simply benching her when it's time for a game. Then again, Graham did threaten it, she just didn't quite understand at the time what he was saying.

To pass the time, Erica cracks open a History of Magic book, deciding to catch up on reading. She's not even really interested in watching the game, there's no need to. At this point she's only here to say she made the team.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Erica looks up from her book with an unimpressed look after hearing Marcus angrily stomp into the box.

"C'mon, mudblood... you're up."

She closes her book in confusion. "Huh?"

"Did I stuttered, you stupid thing?!" Marcus huffs, steam practically coming out of his ears. "We're losing, Ravenclaw is up, and Miles somehow flew head first into a goal post. So you're up!"

Erica puts her book away, grabs her broom, then begins to head out of the tent. Marcus grips Erica's shoulder harshly, causing her to hiss and shove his hand off. He places his hand right back and yanks her towards him. "Do not screw this up, do you understand?!"

"Well, I'm bloody sure I won't be flying into any damn goal posts!!!" She snaps and shoves him off, stomping away.

Erica flies over to her spot in front of the goals, unsurprised to see the Slytherins fuming with rage. Draco seems to be aggressively signing at Lucian to aim for Cho Chang, while Malorn gives a Ravenclaw Chaser the middle finger. Cassius looks over at Erica with disdain and then rolls his eyes.

Madam Hooch blows her whistle to signal the start of the game, and from there, it's all on Erica. If she allows Ravenclaw to score anymore than they already have, it'll only make it even more harder for her team to recover.

"Slytherin comes back from the fall of their Keeper with - oh? Is that Erica LaRue out there? Since when does Slytherin have girls playing on their team? Guess every team has to have some trick up their sleeve." Lee Jordan says in the microphone. "Slytherin is down 20 to 90, and Ravenclaw has been playing the best they have yet! Let's see just how good their new Keeper is!"

Roger Davies comes flying towards the goals, a tough one right off the bat. Cassius struggles to get the Quaffle from him, and Malorn cannot hit a bludger at Davies when Cassius is at risk of getting hit.

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