Third Year - 14

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After weeks of begging, apologizing and some bribing, Erica is able to get Hermione and Cedric back to speaking to her on a regular basis. Apparently, after they had grabbed Professor McGonagall to bring help, and they came across an empty room, the Gryffindor Head of House thought they were pulling a practical joke on her and took 10 house points away from both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. To even the score, Erica and Luna both said curse words in her class until they too had deducted 10 points from their houses.

To say everyone was bewildered by their behavior is an understatement.

Overwhelmed with homework as a result of too many extra lessons, Erica decides that she'll be bringing her books outside with her to study. It'll ensure that she won't be interrupted, but also that she'll be in a comfortable place to avoid suffering entirely.

"Hey, Hermione." Erica greets as she enters the hall, just as Hermione is exiting. "Are you busy? I just want some company while I complete some work I'm behind on."

"Sorry, I would, but Buckbeak's execution is today." Hermione says, sadly. "Harry, Ron and I are going to go to support Hagrid."

Erica waves her off. "No worries, go support your friend. I can ask someone else."

"Thank you." Hermione waves. "I'll see you when I get back. Make sure to eat something in between studying."

"I will, don't worry, mother." Erica says, then goes over to the Slytherin table. "Malorn, Lucy, do you mind coming with me down to the edge of the forest today?"

"For?" Malorn asks. "Has something happened? You look to be in a rush."

"I just have a lot of homework to do, so I want to study outside, but I don't want to go alone." Erica informs.

Lucille nods. "A nice seat out by the edge of the forest would be relaxing. Malorn?"

Malorn shrugs. "Sure. I don't mind."

After lunch concludes, Malorn and Lucille follow Erica out to the edge of the forbidden forest. The Springtime weather is a bit chilly today, so they've all worn sweaters. Erica has her books and Potions essay strewn out about the grass. The sky looks very gray today, and not the usual European type of gray sky, but the foreboding kind.

Malorn and Lucille spend most of their time making jabs at students and adults who pass by their spot in the grass. At some point the Minister, an Executioner and Dumbledore walks by them. Erica turns away, trying not to think about the creature that's about to die.

The sun slowly sets behind the trees, as the moon rises to fill it's place above. By this point, Erica has finished most of her work, and is completing her final task, which is reading through the assigned Charms chapter in the textbook. They'll definitely make it back into the Great Hall in time for dinner.

Everything seems fine till Malorn looks up at the sky, then suddenly stands up. Lucille looks up at her friend. "Malo? What's wrong?"

Erica looks up as the Slytherin boy raises a shaky hand and points to the sky. The moonlight illuminates the dozens of black swirls that fill the space above them. She squints, coming to a stand as well. "What is that?"

"Dementors." Lucille grabs Malorn's hand, ushering his frozen form to follow her. "We'll last maybe thirty seconds if that swarm catches us out here. Let's go."

Erica throws her Charms textbook in her bag and hurriedly helps Lucille usher Malorn along, towards the castle.

"Why are they swarming like that?" Erica asks,

"Who knows." Lucille says. "I'd rather not stick around to find out. We just need to let the adults know."

Erica shudders as she notices her breath coming out as mist. The air around her becomes cold, and she feels heavy, slow. Panic begins to set in.

"We're almost there." Lucille says. "The castle is just there, we can make it."

Suddenly then, something black dives down, between the three students, physically separating them. Erica recognizes immediately that it's a Dementor and reaches for a rock, hitting it in the head. It whirls around, and Lucille smacks it in the face with her bag.

Another comes down as the girls are preoccupied with one already. It grabs Malorn by the neck and holds him down, beginning the feeding process.

"No!" Lucille tries to cast a stunning spell, but it bounces off the Dementor.

Some from the swarm that are over the Forbidden Forest have broken off and are now overwhelming this trio of third year students. It takes hardly any time at all for them to have each Slytherin down, two Dementors feeding on Erica and Lucille each, and at least six hovering over Malorn.

There's a sharp cry from Malorn as one of the Dementors pulls back its hood, and clamps its jaw around his mouth.

Lucille releases a bloodcurdling scream as she reaches out for him and Erica lays on the ground motionlessly, feeling absolutely useless to help her friend.

It's over. Erica closes her eyes. This is it.


What appears to be a cat conjured by light rushes by, and right behind it, comes a burst of brightness. The Dementors are knocked away, and forced to retreat, back to the Forbidden Forest. A good number of adults, including the Headmaster, rush by the students on the ground, whilst a couple stay behind to check on their condition. Erica is relieved to see Professor McGonagall hovering over her in concern.

"There's more!" Lucille cries. "Over the forest!"

"We know, The Headmaster had seen them converging some time ago." Professor McGonagall says. "He's heading there now with a few members of the Ministry. I dread what they'll find."

"He's not breathing." Professor Flitwick says, panic in his voice. "The boy isn't breathing."

Professor Sinistra kneels beside Malorn, pushes the tip of her wand against his chest and mutters a spell. There's a small jut of light, he gasps and his body shutters. "He needs to see Poppy immediately. He's very unwell. His soul just barely escaped extraction, he's lucky."

"Yes, lucky he is." Professor McGonagall says. "It's a shame luck had to play any role today, these Dementors are wildly insubordinate. I will make sure Albus has a word with the Ministry!"

"You lot may rest, we're taking you to the hospital wing." Professor Sinistra brings over a levitating gurney. "All is well. You are all safe now."

Oh, Merlin... Erica rests her head on the ground and allows herself to fall asleep. Thank you.

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