chapter 12

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Naruto POV!

"Its been a while. Naruto." Sasukes voice soaked with vemon and malace.

"Hinata, stay away from sasuke." Naruto warned. "He isn't himself. He is clouded with rage."

Hinata stood frozen. Unmoving. That is until sasuke gently moved her, pushing her away so she would be safe.

"Hina is just fine." Sasuke said.

I can't believe I fell for this guy! Naruto thought as he got into a fighting stance.


"Naruto." Sasuke said. He was only 12 then. "My kitsune."

Naruto looked up at sasuke. He'd been cryine after someone just said some hurtful things to him.

Sasuke leaned down so they were face level with each other. A small, gentle and caring smile on his perfectly flawless face. Their lips met gently, dancing together in a graceful waltz of harmony. Naruto ran his fingers through sasukes raven hair, gripping it by the roots gently and pulling sasuke closer.

Sasuke broke away but their lips stay mere milimeters from each other.

"I love you, my kitsune..." Sasuke had said. "You are my world, my life is yours, your pain shall forever be mine so that you will never suffer. Never feel sadness. Never feel lonely, never be sad or hurt. I will feel that for you if it means you will smile. If you'll promise me you'll never feel sadness and only happiness I'll take the insults, I'll take the punches, the kunai, the shuriken. Nothing will make you hurt. I promise you that." Sasuke had said.

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