chapter 3

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Hinata pov

Tomorrow came.

"Father." I asked before leaving.

"What Hinata?"

"Could I visit a friends house today? His name is Sasuke uchiha?." I asked him.

"Yes you may. But be home before the sun sets." He said nodding. "A second later and I'll be mad."

I felt really happy at his approval, "thank you father!" I said as I walked out the door.

After school while Sasuke and I walked to his house he gave a quick warning.

"Be slightly careful around itachi." Sasuke said.

"Hmm? Why?"

"Well, if he likes you he might try to hit on ya. Just giving you fair warning." He said with a slight laugh.

"Oh, thank you Sasuke." I said greatful for the warning.

"We're here." Sasuke said after a few more moments of walking. He unlocked his door and we walked inside.

"This is a big house." I said looking at the spacious estate.

"I guess." Sasuke said as someone else came into the living room Sasuke led me into.

"So your the Hyuga I've heard so much about." Said a calming voice. I turned around to see a man a few years older than me with gray-black hair in a pony tail. He was pretty cute too I'll admit.

"Itachi, Hinata. Hinata, my brother, itachi." Sasuke introduced.

"Hello." I said waving politely.

"Your were right sasuke. She is different." Itachi said walking up to us. "She isn't annoying."

"Told ya." Sasuke said. The two brothers laughed and I soon found myself laughing with them.

"So Hinata." Itachi said, "tell me about yourself. All I've heard is stuff from my brother."

"What do ya wanna know?" I asked.

"Tell me where you've been in your travels?" He said as we sat in the huge living room.

"Well, we spent most of our time in the land of honey and land of candy. We own a few houses there and I've won a bunch of tournaments and stuff while training." I explained.

Sasuke POV

Hinata then explained her life, where she went with her family, some funny memories stuff like that. My brother was very interested in her I could tell. And for some weird reason that made me almost jealous.

Then a knock sounded at the door. "I'll get it." I said getting up off the couch. I walked to the door and saw shizune when I opened it.

"Tsunade would like to see you and Hinata. Now." She said in an almost urgent voice.

"Hold on a sec. I'll get her." I said walking away. When I reached itachi and Hinata I spoke, "Hinata, tsunade wants to see us. Just you and me."

"Okay. Good bye itachi." She said waving. We followed shizune in silence to the hokage mansion.

"I have an important mission for the both of you." Tsunade said. "I need you two to go under cover in a certain town for a week. There has been reports of strange and illegal activity in those areas and trust you two to take this mission."

"What about school?" Hinata asked.

"I have asked your teachers to give you the work you both can do to make up for lost time. Given your current grades it shouldn't be hard to squeeze in the time to finish the assignments." Tsunade said nodding to two small piles of work.

"Any particular cover story to follow?" I asked.

"No, I'm sure you two can think of something. Now go, I won't waste any more time." Tsunade answered.

"Yes lady tsunade." Hinata and I said in unison. We then left to our houses to pack what we needed.

Hinata and I met at the village gate in about 10 minutes time.

"So, you thought of a realistic cover for us?" I asked.

"I had a stupid idea, just a thing that goes to every girls mind." Hinata answered laughing. "Just the classic traveling lovers cover every girl thinks about."

"That is what every chick thinks at first." I agreed.

"Heh heh, well there's always the traveling siblings cover. Our hair is similar and we have a lot in common so it is realistic." Hinata pointed out.

"Good point. But I'll be honest I see that dumb lover thing working out better." I laughed. Why did I say that? I thought.

"You feeling okay? Because you just said that a girly thought might be possible." Hinata said playfully.

"I'm serious though, think about it, people expect to see two people in a relationship traveling rather than siblings." I stated. "And you are my type. Not annoying, smart, not bad looking either." I finished casually.

"Uh, thanks?" Hinata said slowly. After an awkward moment of silence she spoke with mor confidence, "I do see your point now. It would be more normal and casual."

"I figured as much." I said closing my eyes and nodding. "So that's our cover I take it?"

"Why the hell not?" Hinata said with a light smile. "Could be fun having you as a metaphorical boyfriend."

"Ya never know. I might get carried away." I teased.

"We wouldn't need to kiss though right?"

"A peck to the cheek maybe so everything's believable, nothing much more." I shrugged. "Why do ya ask?"

"Well a first kiss on a mission would count in my book." Hinata said with a laugh.

"You've never been kissed?" I asked her.

"No, my father had forbidden me from most contact with men and boys while traveling, something about becoming unpure or something." Hinata explained. "Only followed it so he wouldn't shun me."

"Hn. That's a good enough excuse."

"Well what's that supposed to mean??"

"Like I said your not bad looking, most any guy wouldn't mind kissing you if ya let them. But with you being part of that royal branch or whatever I can see why you'd follow you dad's rule." I said casually. I then looked up and the sky and saw dark cloud and smelled rain.

"It'll rain soon." Hinata stated. "We should find shelter."

"Look, up ahead there's an abandon house. We could go in there." I said nodding up the dirt road.

"Good idea." Hinata agreed as we quickened our pace while the first few drops fell. Just before it was pouring like buckets we reached a dry area safe from the rain.

"Small. Might need to seel close to each other." I said looking at the small area around us.

"Oh well. Not going to kill us right?" Hinata said playfully nudging my arm.

"You're not weirded out by the fact you'll need to sleep close to me?" I asked, knowing her she'd be a little weirded out.

"Believe me I'm weirded out, I can just handle it is all." She shrugged. Only then did we realize it was night. So we sat up our mats next to each other, given that was the only way they would fit, and layed down. Our backs mere inches away from each other.

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