Chapter 11

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caput ūndecim ❝whats up cupcake❞

"I KNOW THIS is not an ideal situation but we shall make do with this and get on with it," Mr Noble called out, his eyes going back and forth with the clock. Muttering to himself and then looking around at the class, whilst stomping his feet. "We can just get started without them, they will show up soon."

Fifteen minutes into the debate meeting and it still hadn't started. Ileana was becoming impatient. Not only did she not ask for this, but she also dragged her uninterested friend with her and now had to wait for others to arrive. Being on time wasn't hard, if Ileana managed to do it perfectly fine, why couldn't others?

Aurelia was doing her job. Just being there. No one said anything about contributing, she was just there for some moral support. She did not care. Something great would have to walk through those doors to get her head up from the table. Mr Noble wasn't even bothered that she was having a little nap, no one was going to stop Aurelia Dior Kennedy from getting her unnecessary beauty sleep.

Ileana took this opportunity to read her personal statement for the hundredth time. She had memorised the whole thing seventy times ago but still wanted it close to perfection. University was a huge deal in St. Farlingtons, even though it was guaranteed.

"The gents have put forward a topic for the debate competition in a few weeks, for unfortunately ladies, you don't have a choice. But, this is great for teamwork and I think we can take the other institutions and claim the prize." Mr Noble explained as he wrote the dates for the competition on the chalkboard. "The practice runs have been outstanding, and every point made is..."

His voice came to a halt as the door creaked open. The screeching of the hinges was never going to get old, no student was ever going to get used to it. The swift movement of the door caused the dustbin behind the door to fall on the floor.

Mr Noble placed the small piece of chalk down and turned around. "What time do you call this? Captains aren't to arrive late, sit down in this instance."

"I'm trying to get some rest here and all this...." Aurelia called out, lifting her head, "Right, well then."

With her eyes stuck on the lined paper, Ileana looked up at the teacher, "Now, you can introduce yourself to your new team, gents." Ileana steely turned around. "Miss Kennedy and Miss Daher will be joining."


"Oh god, not you again," Ileana mumbled, internally screaming, urging to yell at someone. It was either Lyttleton, Mr Noble or Draven, she was unsure who needed it the most. 

The last person Ileana wanted to see was Draven, never mind spending the next hour with him, trying to be a good team. It truly was as if everyone was out to get her. Ileana felt as though the world conspired against her, continually thrusting her into situations she detested. The world was perfectly orchestrating events that seemed designed to torment her, ones that involved a particular person.

Instantaneously, the old man in front of them discreetly cleared his throat, a gentle rasp that punctuated the air and commanded attention. The room hushed and all eyes were directed to Mr Noble. "Take a seat, and I need to discuss a few important things."

Draven and Kyros immediately took their seats in front of the girls. Aurelia couldn't help but nudge a very frustrated Ileana to the elbow. Why, Ileana didn't care. Her mind was too occupied. "Sir, could I go to the bathroom?" Aurelia announced.

"No, you cannot go fix your hair, Miss Kennedy." He shook his head and walked behind his desk. "Don't ask me again."

Aurelia gasped, "Sir, this is unfair. A lady has to use the bathroom, I'm sure Nurse Adesina won't appreciate this. I'm sure you were there at the assembly she delivered last year. It was clearly stated that all girls are allowed to leave the bathroom without question." She proudly smiled finishing her sentence, knowing it was because it was the only gathering she had attended. "Are you stopping me?"

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