Chapter 3

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I N C I T I N G   S E C R E T S
caput trēs ❝she's super pretty❞

"GET UP NOW!" Ileana yelled at the top of her lungs at a half-awake Aurelia. That girl loved her sleep and waking her up was a mission. It was like fighting with a statue, you get nowhere. "We have class in fifteen minutes, it's our first day and you aren't even ready."

Aurelia grunted, keeping her eyes shut, not moving a muscle. "I'm not going, I don't feel well."

"Auri, you are far from ill. You use this excuse at the start of every week and I'm not falling for it. Now get up before your parents get a call from Lyttleton."

Absence was something St. Farlingtons Manor always kept to speed on. The teachers would patrol the dorms and corridors, look in restrooms and make sure no one is hiding to avoid lessons and extracurricular activities. You couldn't casually just miss lessons because you feel unwell. If anyone was severely ill, the school doctor would be contacted and only with a valid reason, your absence would be approved.

Aurelia grabbed her duvet, lifted it over her head and tightly held it so her friend wouldn't take it off her easily. "Go away, I'm tired."

With hands-on her hips, Ileana spoke, "Well dear friend, you should have slept earlier. You decided it was a good idea to stay up and do whatever the fuck you were doing. Which please explain." She gestured with hands and cocked her brows, "If you get up then maybe...I'll convince them to get some service or wifi in this room. But only, if you get up."

Aurelia didn't waste a second, she quickly got up and rushed to put her uniform on. Ileana wasn't surprised, she knew she'd get up once you mention something she urged for, even if she did lie. There was no possible way of her ever getting a wifi router installed.

"Ley, already gone?" Auri pointed to her neatly made bed as she put her boots on and grabbed her bag.

Ileana nodded in return, "Yes, you are the only one who's late. Now quit talking, let's go now." She followed Aurelia who had gone out of the door first, after shutting their door and locking it.

The two girls walked fast to their allocated room which was in an old cottage house. They both had History with Mrs Doyle, who was a middle aged woman. Leyla had Art class, so she wasn't in the same building as them. The three girls didn't have many lessons together but that didn't stop them from talking. Out of lessons they were never apart.

"So, what were you doing yesterday?" Questioned Ileana as they made their way up the winding staircase of the old house.

"Finding service and then I took my laptop to the library where the service was great, only realising I had spent hours. I started watching some New York fashion shows. I caught up on the anime I missed too. Then, I went to the canteen to eat food." She stopped to explain outside the classroom in an empty hallway, "I was surprised to see you and Leyla asleep when I came back, I'm sure it was about ten o'clock."

Leyla and Ileana loved their sleep and liked to be in a routine. There wasn't a time when they weren't in bed, knocked out after ten. It was their curfew, but Aurelia hated it. She hated the fact her friends slept earlier than her because it meant she would be awake longer to entertain herself.

"Just make sure you sleep early today, I don't wanna have to wake you up like I did today." Aurelia smiled, agreeing with what Ileana had said.

Ileana pushed the handle down and walked into a classroom full of students. All eyes went into her direction with the familiar grey staring back, looking all smug. She cursed in her head as the teacher looked with disappointment with her only being a minute late.

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