"Hang out I mean... uh, we don't have to do anything."

He wanted to do this again? I don't know why but my stomach tightened, and I felt breathless, it made me feel sick, yet I didn't feel like throwing up, it was a strange feeling I wasn't even close to being used to.

Being with Kit made me feel good, yet guilty at the same time, and I hated that I had no reason to feel guilty, but when I thought of Hanna... and my dad...

"Sure." I hated this.

Kit smiled again and let go of my hand and I bent down to pick up my hoodie, then I followed him out of is dark lit room and into the hallway of his apartment, where my shoes were.

Once I had all my things, and my shoes on, I stood by the front door of his apartment and turned around to look at Kit, standing there watching me.

"See you later, Jamie."

I nodded my head and slowly turned around and opened the door, taking one last look at Kit before I close the door behind me, Kit's eyes on me until I couldn't see him anymore.


I made it just in time, my dad, Evan and Allie arriving only just 10 minutes after me.

I had a quick shower and changed my clothes, and whilst I had to leave for school in thirty minutes, Evan had wanted to show me all the things they saw before I left.

"Next time we should all go there together, Jamie, we found the best little lake near the cabin." Evan said, sitting beside me, before showing me a picture on his phone.

The pictures looked great, and whilst I wasn't particularly interested in my dad's cabin, I was happy that they all had fun, after knowing how hectic Evan's schedule was, and how badly they wanted to get away from it all.

"Wow." I smiled, seeing how happy he was, especially when my dad walked back into the room.

"Allie's asleep, finally." He huffed out, before coming sitting in a loveseat opposite me and Evan on the sofa.

"Shouldn't you be getting to school?" My dad asked, staring me down. "Do you want a lift?"

I shook my head, handed Evan's phone back and got up from the sofa. "No, I was just about to leave."

"OH." Evan quickly got up from the sofa and went into a bag beside the sofa and got a box that had a bow wrapped around it.

"You mentioned you liked toffee, there was this awesome British toffee collection in one of the few shops near the cabin, I thought Hanna might like some too, so I got extra."

Ah... now I see, as while I didn't exactly tell anyone yet, I thought they already knew because Hanna had a way of making everything everyone's business, especially if it involved us.

"Um." I bit the inside of my cheek, handing back the box to Evan, making him frown as he looked at me.

"We actually broke up." I rubbed my neck, noticing my dad's brows raise from the corner of my eye.

"I ended things."

"What?" Evan frowns. "That's... fuck... I'm sorry Jamie."

I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it right now, especially with my dad in the room, who has not said a word yet.

"That's probably why she rang me last night, good thing I didn't answer" Evan mumbled to himself as I sigh out.

He looked at me and smiles. "Don't worry about it, Jamie, just know if you ever want to talk about it or want to get drunk and forget all about her, I'll be there.

"So will your dads wine collection." He added, cheekily.

"Evan." My dad stares at Evan, who just shrugs and smirks, sitting back on the sofa.

"He's an adult, lighten up Don." He sticks his tongue out at my dad, who just huffs.

"You're going to be late." Dad adds, as I look at the time on my phone and hiss out when I see that he is right.

"Thanks Evan." I smile at him, before nodding at my dad before I leave the room, the sound of my dad scolding Evan the moment I am within hearing distance, making a small smile reach my lips.

As much as I tried to have a good relationship with my dad, it came easier with Evan, something I did not expect, but he is so spirited and easy to talk to, and because of him I now felt closer to my dad, despite us not having much to say.

I wanted what they had.

At first, I thought it would come, when I was with Hanna, but when we were along, we never joked, we never teased or laughed like my dad did with Evan.

I was sometimes jealous that it came so easy to them, that despite both being years apart, they still connected as if they were one person.

That was love, at-least to me.

Was I even capable of being like that with someone? And if I was, could Kit be that person? It was still too soon to tell, but one thing for sure was, whenever I was with him... I laughed, and genuinely have a fun time with him.

Everything was so complicated, even now more than ever.

It was Friday, and I'll be seeing Kit again in just a short while, and while back to what happened between us last night, I was not nervous, nor did I regret it a single bit, if anything...

I was excited to see him, to feel that same emotion I felt when I kissed him.

Kit liked me, he wanted to spend time with me, and even though he's a guy, I liked that when I was around him, I didn't have to pretend, I didn't have to be Jamie Steele, son of a billionaire, I was free.

I was starting to like being around Kit, and I liked Kit as a person, but could I see myself being with him?

That was still a question I had no answers for.

Well, however today plays out, I was going to see him again, and whilst I knew Hanna would be waiting to ambush me, I now knew what I wanted, and what I did not want.

I wanted to be happy, and I didn't want to be with Hanna anymore.

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