Chapter 6

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Once I stepped into Kit's apartment, I closed the door behind me, and he closed the distance between us.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, his face inches from mine, as his eyes searched mine.

Fuck, why did he have to ask questions like that? When just moments ago I let him put his tongue in my mouth, something I have never done with a guy.

"Yeah, are you?"

Kit was 22, and a studying to be a teacher, getting involved with me, in any way could be damaging not only for me, but for him as his future, I knew that, but did he?

I was 18 and with a trust fund with millions inside of it, despite not knowing what my future holds, only one of our lives would be ruined if the school board found out about... whatever this was.

"I... like you." Kit said, a hint of pink on his cheeks as he took a step back from me.

"Although I never thought this would happen, I'm glad you're here, so yeah... I'm sure."

I wasn't surprised, any normal guy without feelings for another guy would not ask me to their apartment and make out with me in the elevator of their apartment building, nor invite me into their place.

So, he liked me.

"Oh." What did I say to that?

I had half thought this was just something spontaneous, some fun between two guys, exploring their sexuality, yet now I see that I missed a few things.

Kit wasn't exploring, he actually had feelings for me.

Feelings I didn't quite understand, and not wanting to give false hope to anyone, or Kit, who I didn't know, nor really like, yet respected, which made this more complicated than I thought.

"So, you're gay?" I asked, as he leaned his back against a wall, his teeth sucking in his bottom lip.

"Sometimes." He said, with a pause. "I've only been attracted to women; I have been with guys but... I've never liked them like I did with women."

"Huh?" I sigh out and run my fingers through my hair.

What the fuck kind of shit is that?

"I know what you're thinking, but I really do like you, I didn't ask you to come here for some fun." He said, before his eyes went wide.

"But yeah- maybe, I don't know, I wasn't expecting anything to happen... is what I'm saying."

Haaa... he's pissing me off, why did I have to ask him if he was gay? He invited me to his place and didn't expect anything? After rubbing his dick all over me?

"Are you fucking kidding me." I curse under my breath, before laughing out.

"I'm out of here."

I turned around and opened his apartment door to leave, but Kit put his hand on the door, stopping me from leaving, making me turn around and glare at him.

"Don't leave..." He followed after me. I think you misunderstood me somewhere on this." He panicky said, as I gripped his hand hard and moved it away from the door.

I stepped out of his apartment and clicked the button for the elevator, feeling like a fucking idiot following him here by listening to my dick rather than my brain.


I turned around and looked at him, standing in his doorway. "I knew there was a reason I didn't like you."

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