"Sounds like you have a crush" I said laughing

"She's beautiful but you know I'm too gay" he said making us laugh

I continued to focus on my studies as everyone else in the studio talked amongst each other

There was s knock on the door and Kevin went to open it. I looked up and I saw a short blonde haired girl

She hugged Kevin and then shyly waved hi to everyone

"Guys this is Sabrina, Sabrina Carpenter she's a really good friend of mine" he said

I just quickly waved hi and got back to my studying

I guess she went on to meet the rest of the team.

It didn't take long til Kevin got back into the booth to rap some more. He didn't need me so he let me finish my studies

I felt the side of couch dip and I looked up to see that the blonde haired girl sat next to me

I just stared confused but gave a polite smile

"Sorry you're the only other girl here so I felt the most comfortable here" she said lightly laughing and I smiled

"Yea no worries. Sabrina right?" I said trying to remember and she nodded

"Yea. Sorry I didn't get your name. You zoned out before I could ask" she said

"Oh hi, sorry I'm Y/n. I'm studying for an exam that I have tomorrow" I said

"Oh you're fine, I get it" she said

I tried to get back to work but I felt a headache coming so I just decided to take a break for now and closed my book

"So how do you know Kevin?" I asked her

"I was actually a fan of his music. I followed him on instagram and then we kinda started talking from there" she said

"Oh nice. Yea he's pretty great" I said and she agreed with me

"What do you do? Are you like a model?" I asked since a few models have befriended him online like that

"Oh no I could never are you kidding? I'm way too short" She said and started laughing

"Sorry you're just really pretty I just assumed" I said nonchalantly because she really was beautiful

"Aw well thank you y/n" she said smiling at me "but no I sing and do a little acting"

"Oh nice. What kind of music do you make?" I asked

"Mainly pop" she said

"She's a pop star" Kevin said as he came to sit next to us

"Oh cool can I follow you to listen to some of your stuff later?" I asked and she nodded

I grabbed my phone to hand it to her so she could type in her username. I don't know why I expected her to be some small little artist but I was so surprised when I saw she had over 30 million followers

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now