Another one whistled. "What did I hear? You're trying to change jobs?"

I rolled my eyes, not surprised rumors were spreading through the Glade. It happened often, and fast.

"I bet you'll turn into a Slopper!"

"A Slopper? No, man. I think Newt and Alby would looove some help with their leading. Maybe she'll become Third-in-command!"

"Her?" A guy scoffed. "Third-in-command? Keep dreaming, my guy. Girls shouldn't be in charge."

"Yeah! Let her do the dishes and do the laundry. That's what women do. Plus, it'll save our dear Joe from his work.. maybe he'll even get something nice after!"

"Hey!" Gally warned. His voice pitched through the air. "Shut your holes and go to work, all right? Slim it, you shuckfaces!"

Mutters about protecting and girlfriend were shared, but eventually, it turned quieter. Through my eyes lashes I looked up at Gally, but he was already focused on his own work. I wished to thank him, yet I knew that would be embarrassing, and also, he didn't mean it to protect me from the boys or stop their comments because he felt bad. The look on his face said enough; he really wanted them to go on with working. He wasn't helping me.

I exhaled and ignored the comments that kept repeating in my head. I wished for them to shut their holes sometime... to leave me alone, to accept I was the only girl, and respect me a bit. All I was doing was trying to survive and get through it, not to get comments about my gender or appearance.

My own thoughts disturbed me from my work, causing my grip on a piece of wood to loosen and my nail hit it wrong. I bit my lip, worried someone would shout at me for not doing it right.

With another sigh, I changed the position of the wood and tried to apart my thoughts from my work and not think about it too much. It would bring me nowhere good.

"Valerie, you're not supposed to do that."

My stomach and face dropped. I looked at the boy who said it, Carl. His face seemed serious, so he must've told the truth. Then I turned to Gally, whose face was like stone too.

"Just turn the wood a little bit, I mean," Carl added.

It felt like my whole face gained color in relief. I nodded and kept working. Soon I noticed boys were draping off and I was staying behind by my slow and unprofessional work.

My hands started to shake. I couldn't be the last one standing at work! But my finishing product had to be perfect.

Frustrated, I bit my lip again. Sweat trickled down to my eyebrows, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

What is wrong with me? I wondered. There was no need for me to react like that. I took some deep breaths once I felt tears sting in my eyes.

But crying seemed forbidden. One, it would be lame to cry about some stupid job, and two, everyone would laugh at me. No one ever seemed to cry in the Glade and the one time I did because of my period, things didn't end well.

"You almost done?" Gally peeked at my work, his eyes twitching all over it making me nervous.

I swallowed deeply. "Yeah, almost. I think... is it all right?"

He scoffed, which was more of an exhale that came out of his nose. "Wouldn't say it looks the best, but it's definitely neater than those other shuck-faces their work, right?"

My shoulders relaxed completely, relief washing over me. "Good."

"It doesn't have to be perfect," Gally added.

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWhere stories live. Discover now