35. Go all the way.

Start from the beginning

"Your absence has left me aching, my love. I yearn to feel your body pressed against mine, to run my hands over every inch of your soft skin. The thought of fucking you in bed, exploring your curves, and losing myself deep inside you consumes me."

I felt myself melting into his arms, surrendering to the intoxicating pull of desire. His touch was both tender and commanding, guiding me through a dance of sensuality that left me breathless and wanting more.

A gasp escaped my lips as Dante lifted me with a sensual strength, his touch sending delightful tingles through my body. He expertly positioned my leg around his waist, and in a tantalizing move, he carried me to his bed. As I lay down, my heart pounded with excitement, and our eyes locked in an intense gaze that spoke volumes of the passion between us.

Dante's lips met mine once more, and our tongues entwined in a fiery dance. A soft moan escaped my lips as we playfully vied for control, the intensity electrifying the air around us. His teeth gently grazed my lower lip.

His kisses trailed down, leaving a trail of anticipation, until he found my breasts. With each tender touch of his lips, I gasped for breath, feeling a mix of pleasure and desire overwhelm me. I couldn't help but arch my chest upward, offering myself fully to the intoxicating sensations he was evoking.

"More," I pleaded, my thirst for him unquenchable, as I yearned to explore the depths of passion that lay between us.

Dante's lips journeyed down from my chest, hovering just above my panty before ripping it into two. His eyes sparkled with playful desire as he positioned himself between my legs.

With a teasing smile, Dante's tongue darted out to taste my delicate bits igniting a trail of fire. His warm breath caressed my skin as he leaned in closer, and then, with a gentle touch, he let his lips graze my clit, eliciting a soft gasp from me.

"Oh my God," I whispered, a mix of pleasure and excitement coursing through me.

This was the first time since leaving him that I was having sex and it felt so fucking damn good.

Dante's enchanting gaze met mine as he continued to tease, drawing out each moment with skillful patience. The intimacy of the moment made my heart race, and my body quivered with delight.

"Yes," I murmured, surrendering to the captivating sensations that enveloped me.

"Mmmmm, you taste so fucking good," Dante moaned.

Before I could get any more of him, Dante gently pulled away, a playful glimmer in his eyes as he slowly unbuckled his belt with a teasing smile.

"You have no idea how long I've been anticipating this moment," he confessed, his intense gaze causing a blush to rise to my cheeks.

I nervously nibbled on my lip, my eyes instinctively drawn to him, feeling a mix of desire and excitement. As he tenderly touched my thigh, a gasp escaped my lips, and I found myself irresistibly drawn to him, my legs parting slightly.

"What do you want me to do, Avelyn?" Dante's voice held a hint of playfulness as he teased, his fingers tracing patterns on my skin while he playfully played with my clit using his cock.

In that moment of vulnerability, I mustered the courage to express my deepest yearning, but also to convey my need for an intimate connection.

"I want you to make love to me," I replied, my voice laced with desire, all rational thoughts vanishing into abyss.

"Good girl," Dante cooed.

Encouraged by Dante's affectionate words, a rush of emotions washed over me. With gentle care, he eased himself inside me, and I gasped at the initial sensation of slight pain, and a mix of excitement and vulnerability. But soon, his tender whispers and caresses in my ear turned the moment into one of pleasure.

"Your dripping wet," Dante whispered, his finger sweetly rubbing my clit and amplifying my pleasure.

As we found our rhythm, Dante's pace quickened, and the connection between us deepened. My body responded, moving in harmony with his, as the intensity of pleasure grew. I couldn't help but voice my delight, moaning in response to the overwhelming sensations.

"Just like that," I whispered, my body responding to Dante's skillful touch.

"Keep going," I encouraged, feeling a rush of desire, as his hand caressed my skin.

Dante's movements became more intense, his lips gently meeting mine in a tender kiss. I let out a soft moan, surrendering to the pleasure that enveloped us. There was an undeniable passion between us, and it only fueled the sensual connection we shared.

My triumphant cries of satisfaction mingled in the air, a testament to the unyielding intensity of our connection. "You're mine," he growled, his voice laced with possessiveness and desire.

"Always," I gasped, my voice filled with equal parts surrender and exhilaration. The room crackled with the electric aftermath of our passionate encounter.

The intensity surged, pushing us relentlessly towards an explosive climax. "Come for me," he demanded, his voice filled with dominance.

In a final eruption of ecstasy, our bodies trembled in perfect unison, waves of bliss crashing over us like a thunderous storm. "Yes!" I cried out, my voice a mix of triumph and satisfaction.

Our cries of shared delight echoed in the air, a testament to the relentless power of our connection.

Dante gently slumped beside me, drawing me into a tight embrace, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"You were more than spectacular, my enchanting wife," Dante whispered, his words setting my cheeks ablaze with a rosy hue. "I'm so fucking glad that I found you."

His sweet endearment ignited a surge of affection within me, and I felt the warmth of our bond enveloping us.

"I love you, baby girl," Dante breathed passionately, his eyes locking with mine, conveying a depth of emotion that words couldn't fully express.

The sincerity in his gaze made my heart flutter, and I whispered back with equal passion, "I love you too, my tenacious husband."

Our lips met once more in a tender and lingering kiss, reaffirming the love that bound us together.

"Round two?" Dante's playful tone resonated in my ear, eliciting a playful giggle from me.

With a teasing grin, I replied, "Round two it is,"


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