26. On the run again.

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Trembling with a mix of fear and determination, my voice quivered as I mustered the courage to speak, "E-excuse me." I whispered, barely caring for Dante's demands to stay.

The weight of my decision hung heavily upon me, for it was crystal clear what I needed to do. It was time to gather my precious babies and flee from this oppressive environment.

With a sense of urgency, I snatched my bag, tears cascading down my cheeks like a downpour of rain. Each drop carried the weight of my anguish, from the immense pressure I had endured for far too long. Imaging running away from the very same pain years ago only to be met with that immense pain years later.

As I hurried towards the exit of the building, the sound of Mavis's distressed voice echoed through the corridors, desperately calling out my name. Her concern added a hint of urgency to my already disheveled emotions.

I frantically tried to flag down passing taxis, my tear-stained face a plea for help. But alas, the cruel indifference of the world continued, as one cab after another sped past without a second glance.

"Hey, didn't you hear me-" Mavis's words trailed off as she took in the sight of my tear-filled eyes, her voice fading into a stunned silence.

The realization of my distress ignited a fierce fire within her, an anger that was impossible to contain. "That's it, I've had enough of him bullying you," she declared with unwavering determination. "I don't care if he wants to fire us. I'm going to give Dante a piece of my mind!"

Through my choked sobs, I managed to convey the true depth of my despair. "My babies are in danger," I whimpered, my words piercing the air like shards of broken glass. Mavis froze in her tracks, her eyes widening with alarm as the gravity of the situation engulfed her.

Desperation clung to my every action as I continued my futile attempts to hail a taxi. Frustration welled up inside me, mingling with the tears that stained my cheeks. Each rejection from a passing cab only intensified my anguish.

"W-what do you mean?" Mavis stammered, her voice trembling with shock and concern. She stood before me, a pillar of support amidst the chaos that surrounded me.

"I... I can't explain now," I managed to say, my voice a fragile whisper. "I just need to get home quickly." At long last, a cab screeched to a halt before us, and Mavis wasted no time in joining me inside.

With a mixture of relief and worry, we made our way towards my apartment, where my babies awaited, their safety now my sole focus. Emotions ran high as the taxi sped through the city, the weight of uncertainty lingering in the air. 

"B-But don't you have work?"

"Work can wait, my godchildren are in danger," she asserted, her voice filled with a potent mix of urgency and determination. With a sense of purpose, I relayed our destination to the driver, trusting that speed was of the utmost importance.

"And make it quick!" Mavis snapped at the driver, her impatience mirroring the intensity of the situation.

As the car zoomed through the chaotic streets, Mavis's concern grew notable. Her eyes fixed on me, searching for answers in the depths of my tear-streaked face.

A lump formed in my throat, signaling that the time had come to reveal the painful truth, even if it meant risking the bond that Mavis and I had built over the years. She had been my unwavering support, and yet I had kept her in the dark, shielding her from my secrets for far too long.

"Mavis, I... I never told you the truth," I hiccupped, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and remorse, aware that the forthcoming revelation had the power to shatter our relationship. "I lied to you about so many things, especially about the twins' father and the reasons behind my sudden departure."

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