Chapter 19

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Damien’s POV

“Was there anything in her bag?” Will asked as he poured himself some coffee.

I shook my head and put my mug on the kitchen island.

“I only found some painkillers,” I said. “Not enough to kill her, though.”

Will nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

“Did she sleep?” he asked and I shrugged.

“Alexander slept in her room,” I said, trying to keep the jealousy out of my voice. “He is still in there.”

Will nodded and looked down at the mug in his hand.

“Do you really think that she tried to kill herself?” he mumbled quietly and my stomach did a weird flip.

“I don’t know,” I said, running my fingers through my hair. “I hope not.”

Will looked up at me and the pain I saw in his eyes made my heart clench. I knew how much my brother loved her. I knew how much he missed her.

“She is just a child,” he said, his voice trembling. “She didn’t deserve any of that. She is my little girl. She is…”

Will stopped talking and closed his eyes. He bent his head down and sighed.

“It is all my fault,” he mumbled. “I should have gone there. I should have made sure that she was okay. I could have stopped it and I didn’t. She suffered because of me. She almost died because of me. I almost killed my child. I…”

My heart was racing faster and faster with each word he spoke. I never saw my brother so vulnerable. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say.

I gulped and tried to find a way to tell him that it wasn’t his fault when Elijah beat me to it.

“We are all at fault here, William,” Elijah said as he walked inside the kitchen. “You aren’t the only one to blame. We are all grown men who could have and should have checked on our sister. None of us did. We all screwed up, not just you.”

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. There was something about Elijah that made me…


Fuck no.

I watched as he approached the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He turned around and looked at me. A shiver went down my spine and I narrowed my eyes at him. Elijah sighed and rolled his eyes at me.

“I am the oldest,” Will said. “I was the one who went there with my dad. I watched Elizabeth and James take her. I was there when it happened. It was my responsibility to check on her.”

Elijah sighed and shook his head.

“It wasn’t just your responsibility, William,” Elijah said. “I know it will take a while for you to realize that, but I know that you will eventually. We are all equally responsible for her and all of us should have gone there, not just you.”

I kept my eyes on Elijah. I watched him smile at my brother. I watched him open the bottle of water and take a big sip.

Will sighed and he was just about to say something when Lucas walked into the kitchen, holding a paper in his hand. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. He was pale and he was shaking from top to bottom.

“Luke?” I called him worriedly.

Elijah and William looked at him and their eyes widened.

“What happened?” Will asked as he rushed to him.

Luke looked down at the paper in his hand. I followed his gaze and froze. What the fuck was that?

Will grabbed the paper from Luke’s hand and started reading. I watched as his eyes widened. I watched the emotions on his face change. The most prominent ones were anger and terror.

“Will?” Elijah called him, his voice trembling. “What is that?”

Will gulped and looked up at Elijah. He didn’t say a word. He just handed the paper to him.

My hands were shaking and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know what was written there.

I watched Elijah’s face and my stomach twisted painfully when I noticed how scared he looked. My body moved on instinct as I jumped from the barstool and approached Elijah. I grabbed his shaky hand and turned the paper toward me.

My hold on Elijah’s hand tightened as I started reading what was written on the paper.

So, she has been used?

That is too bad. I wanted to be the first man who would be inside her. I wanted to be the first man who would taste her. I wanted to be the one to brag that I had her first.

That won’t happen, though. It makes me sad and angry, I have to admit. I thought about finding that fucker and killing him for taking something that belonged to me. I thought about getting revenge, but that would just take too much of my valuable time. I will let you have him. Please punch him a few times for me, will you?

I won’t give up on her, though. I will never give up on her. I am close and I am coming for her. Thank you for keeping her safe for me. I will find a way to repay the favor.

I can’t wait to have her. She will sell well, I am sure of it. I will have some fun with her before I pass her on, though. Is there anything you would want me to film? I would be more than happy to, just let me know.

I am happy you five got together for her. I am happy that you put aside your differences to keep her safe until I take her off your hands

Please say hello to my little birdie for me. I will come to get her soon.

My vision was blurry by the time I finished reading. I wasn’t sure if my hands were shaking, or if those were Elijah’s. I couldn’t look away from the letter. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn't even fucking breathe.

“If something happens…,” Luke spoke after a few moments of silence, but his voice broke.

He bent his head down and I could hear him sniffling quietly.

I was still holding Elijah’s hand tightly. I couldn't let go. I couldn't.

No one spoke. We were all too shocked to speak.

I felt anger pulsating inside me and I just wanted to strangle him. I wanted to fucking kill him.

“Good morning,” I heard Alexander’s voice as he and my Sunshine entered the kitchen.

Alexander had a small smile on his face, but it disappeared as soon as he saw our faces. His eyes fell on the paper in Elijah’s hand and he visibly paled.

My Sunshine was looking at us with a confused expression on her face. I could tell that she wanted to ask what was going on, but I also knew that she would never do it.

Will and Alexander moved at the same time.

Alexander approached Elijah and me and grabbed the paper from Elijah’s hand.

I let Elijah’s hand go and watched as Will rushed to Sophia. He picked her up and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

I could see shock clearly written all over her face.

Will wrapped her legs around his waist and placed a hand on her head, pressing her closer to him. He turned around so he could look at us.

“We have to go,” Will said, his voice trembling. “He knows where we live.”

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