Chapter 12

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Sophia's POV

I was terrified, but there was something so peaceful in the man that was holding me. He seemed gentle. He seemed like he cared.

No one ever cared about me and I wasn’t sure if I was right about him caring, though. I wasn’t capable of recognizing when someone cared about me because I had nothing to compare it to.

But the man holding me seemed to care. Everything he did or said was the exact opposite of what James and Elizabeth did or said. Instead of punches, he gave me kisses. Instead of using knives on my back, he rubbed them gently. Instead of telling me that I was a worthless piece of trash, he told me that he loved me.

I wasn’t sure if it was genuine. I wasn’t sure if it was a part of their revenge. I wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth, or if he was lying to get me to trust him. I wasn’t sure of anything.

But I decided to go along with it. I had no other choice, did I? The outcome wouldn't be any different whether was telling the truth or lying to me. I wouldn't be alive soon either way. The only difference would be who took my life, them or me.

The man holding me kissed my temple again.

“I am right here, my baby,” he said softly. “I won’t let anything bad happen. I promise.”

I watched as the doctor approached us and kneeled in front of me. He looked angry and it made me shiver. The man tightened his jaw and took a deep breath.

“I am going to take your shirt off, Sophia,” he said. “I will examine your stomach before I move on to your back.”

I froze a little when he said that he would look at my back. What would they do when they saw it? Would they add something? Would they write that I was their property too?

Well, I guess I didn’t care. My body had been through so much that I simply didn’t care what was done to it. I would soon leave it behind anyway.

If they didn’t end my life soon, I would do it myself. I was done with the pain. I was done with the memories. I was done with living.

“Are you wearing a bra, Sophia?” the man in front of me asked.

I shook my head a little and he nodded.

“Okay,” he said. “I will lift your shirt just a little then, okay? I won’t take it off completely unless I really have to.”

I didn’t really care. My body didn’t mean anything to me. James already used it in every way possible. My body didn’t have value and I didn’t care if they saw my breasts or not.

The man in front of me tightened his jaw and reached out for the hem of my shirt. He started lifting it slowly and I could see the anger in his eyes growing.

I knew exactly what he was seeing. I knew exactly what the others were seeing too.

The room was silent, though. I kept my eyes on the man in front of me. His hands were shaking and his jaw kept twitching uncontrollably.

I glanced down at my naked stomach. I was used to seeing it like that so I wasn’t bothered by it at all. It was normal. It would probably be more freaked out if it wasn’t the way it was.

“Oh, my God,” someone spoke quietly.

I wanted to look and see who spoke, but I wasn’t told to.

The man who was holding me started shaking. He buried his nose into my hair and I could swear that he started crying.

Why was he crying?

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