Chapter 7

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Bluemoon kingdom is the biggest, richest and known land of werewolves in the North hemisphere. There are only two things people are crazy about in the North. The mating season that werewolves got crazier in heat and the royal family of the Bluemoon pack where Alpha Ronaldo rules with an iron fist. They say the full moon in the North is clear and bright. And, Alpha Ronaldo's ego is bigger than his castle but all of it changed when his third son, Aiden was born.

He is impulsive, inflexible and known for his temper that no one wants to witness. There is hardly any rule of blue moon pack he had not twisted for his own cause. Losing his mom, and being the only orphan royal he had got the attention of the masses. They say only the moon goddess can save the soul that would be fated to him. And, that's the only thing he disagrees with the media. He knows his mate will be the luckiest one. She only has to accept his every whim and how hard that can be?

Ronaldo was always known for his just but cruel ways. There is a saying about Ronaldo. You are in trouble if you are his enemy but you are in more trouble if you are his friend.

People look at Esther, Ronaldo's Luna as the richest woman in the world. She is tall and beautiful. Esther does everything right and respects Ronaldo. She looks best, cares about the image of the royals and gave twin sons to Ronaldo. She thought she had it all until Ronaldo found his mate, Rosina. She was alpha's daughter and belonged to a pack that was on the extreme border. The rules are meant above everything in the Bluemoon pack and the rules asked Esther to step down from Luna's position and only mother the two sons in the castle she has birthed.

For the first time, this rule was neglected by none other than Rosina. She refused to be Luna or care about the castle and pleasantries. She was always a fighter in her father's pack but now was obsessed with Ronaldo. Rosina was jealous of Esther who was difficult to stir. If there is one thing that Rosina was going to regret until her death was why she didn't meet Ronaldo before Esther.

Rosina had trained in the harshest conditions and there was no way she had the time to look pretty. Esther was nothing more than a keeper of the castle in her eyes while on the other hand, she gets to be the shadow of Ronaldo all the time. In her previous life, she would run to the rogue lands and slay for the fun. But now there is only one thing she wanted. All of the Ronaldo, only for her. He was the only territory she wanted. Of course, Ronaldo could see whatever she was up to but given her young age, he wanted to give her time. At least, this is what he told himself because no matter what this pull he felt for Rosina he didn't have the strength to shout at her.

It didn't take anyone time to realize that Rosina doesn't like rules and to be told. She was witty and would always find to get things her way. Her love for the battlefield was not feminine. She wasn't the first woman who trains but Rosina was different. There was a sparkle in her eyes and no fear whenever she hears about an attack. As if she yearns for chaos.

Ronaldo who was used to of submissive Esther finds Rosina a little challenging yet amusing. Rosina was a famous fighter in her pack too but being Ronaldo's mate got her attention like never before. The talk about the royals of Bluemoon pack was a spicy one after Rosina's addition and was mentioned in papers and magazines of every pack.

A company launched a car and named it after Rosina and her birth year for how fast it was. The news of Rosina getting pregnant made Ronaldo a little hopeful. At least, now he wanted to see a Rosina who is not reckless. He wanted her to be less mouthy but knew she can't be tamed. Sometimes he wonders if the moon goddess was making fun of him for how his mate was a walking disaster. For some time Ronaldo had stopped going against her wishes. Because when she doesn't follow him it makes him look like he has no control over his mate.

Their pack wasn't against the woman's choice but everyone was expected to be extremely careful if a female wolf is pregnant. But unlike most women, Rosina refuses to stay indoors to avoid any bad eye. She believed if her baby is strong enough and meant to be no bad luck can reach him.

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