Chapter 9

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I get that chapter is long. But the ending is worth worth worth it.

"Good morning, Prince Aiden?" His butler greeted him when he walked out into the living area. He didn't respond. Instead walked ahead to remove the shades from the roof-high windows. He lives in the south part of the Bluemoon pack. In a building that was the tallest in the city and housed the most expensive condos in the kingdom. Of course, he had bagged the one at the top that came with an amazing view of the royal castle in the distance.

Aiden had his wing in the castle but only stays home on the weekends that too if he hadn't planned any meetups with his followers. The luxurious condo gives him a different kind of vibe. This place reflected his taste in the furniture and living.

No matter what it was about, none of his employees was allowed to wake him up or disturb him. It was only when he walks into his living area his butler was ordered to tell him all about the big news on the Blue moon. It was so rare of his butler to have something worth mentioning about any other pack anyway.

"What it is about, Nath? What it's about that you can't tell me? Did my step-uncle find some other allegations to get me to the court or what?" Nathan, his butler didn't find it necessary to delay the news. He knew he had already prepared the prince to hear about the worst.

"It seems Prince Gideon had found his mate last night." And, all of a sudden nothing about this morning was nice anymore. Aiden only stared at the city and couldn't help hating his mate he hadn't met yet.

I swear if you are somewhere breathing. You will pay for it, honey. Aiden whispered under his breath and knew he had to do something about it.

"Who is she?" Aiden asked and Nathan was quick to fill him on the facts about how she belonged to a pack in the extreme periphery. But still, the fact she was a daughter of beta had Aiden uneasy. Unlike Brie, who was an orphan Aiden could tell he won't be able to find anything on this one. Aiden already knew that Gideon would make sure that his mate doesn't see the troublemaker prince.

He would be lying if he says the news hadn't affected him. He knew he needed a week to get over the fact that he was the only prince without any mate now.

"Your cousin's friend still works for Gideon's kitchen right?" Aiden asked and Nathan was quick to answer. "Yes, Prince Aiden."

"Great, I would like to see her." Aiden's cunning ways never let him get bored. He smiled at how he never had to think about a plan. Once he is presented with a situation, he gets the answer itself. And, this was something he knew he had taken after his mom.

His butler told him how Aiden is to leave for his trip to the borders. Though only a few people knew about it Aiden had a company that extensively works on lands outside their kingdom. Nothing interests him like knowing what lies in the untouched lands. The thing had his interest the most. But nowadays finding his mate still tops.

It was only when Aiden had boarded his private plane his PA told him. "You have a phone call with King Albert in the evening. His team had sent me an email as a reminder." Aiden only nodded at the reminder but didn't want to talk to anyone. At times, he wonders if the Moon goddess was punishing him for always stirring the peace. But he never cared about the moon goddess and he hardly believes he could do it anytime soon.

A huge ocean separated his father's kingdom from Albert's. He too had a few huge packs under his rule and had developed quite nicely after they started exchanging technologies around hundred years ago. King Albert, who had taken after his dad ten years ago was always interested to buy things from Aiden's artillery company.

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