Chapter 12(Dharak VS Drago)

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Dan looked at Y/n who was talking with his bakugan and balled up his hands into fists, he wonders how such a normal looking boy can make his own bakugan more powerful than Drago who went through multiple evolutions to be what he is now. Drago sensed Dan's stress and decided that the third battle will be their last.

Drago: Dan.... I think we've had enough.

Dan: What? What do you mean, Drago?

Drago: I already lost two battles, it's clear that everyone was right. We aren't in control of anything anymore.

Dan sighs and agreed with Drago, the nightmares, accidents and the outburst he had with his friends were all getting to him. He just wanted to prove himself to the others but knew that would be hard to do, Dan taps his wristband and a holoscreen pops up. He contacts the Announcer and changed his request.

Announcer: Attention bakugan fans! There's been a change in schedule, the six rounds have been changed to three! So this is our last match for the day!

Leonidas: What?! That's not fair! I wanted to battle against Drago!

Wavern: Calm down Leonidas, you can use this match to fight him.

Leonidas: No, I wanted to go last and prove my strength to the world!

Naga: Well if you aren't taking the opportunity, then I'll-

Dharak: I'll go in and fight.

Everyone stared at Dharak and saw the determination in his eyes, Naga though wanting to fight Drago and make him pay for insulting Y/n agreed to let Dharak fight. Y/n nods then grabs Dharak and threw him into the field.

Y/n: Bakugan brawl! Stand Darkas Titanium Dharak!

Dharak appears in a twister of purple and black flames and crossed his arms waiting for Drago to appear, meanwhile up in the stands two figures who have been watching the battles smiled at the appearance of Dharak.

???#1: So the Traitor decides to make an entrance.

???#2: Not one of beauty but nothing is beautiful with him around. Inform Master about this, he has to see this.

The other figure huffs in annoyance and disappears into the shadows, the other one turns back to watch the upcoming battle and smiled sinisterly at Dharak.

???#2: Soon my dear you'll be nothing but a memory, hahahaha!

Back down at the arena Dan threw in Drago and the battle began, Dharak charged at Drago who did the same and they clash fist. They glared at each other for a second before throwing a fury of punches at each other, soon their fists became nothing but blurs to the naked eye since they were moving so fast.

 They glared at each other for a second before throwing a fury of punches at each other, soon their fists became nothing but blurs to the naked eye since they were moving so fast

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Through the blur of punches Drago hits Dharak in the face and sends him flying back, Dharak dug his feet into the ground to slow himself down and glared at Drago.

BAKUGAN M.S x MALE READER (Rewritten)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin