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Cassandra held the punching bag still as (y/n) hit it. She motioned for him to hit harder as she braced herself. (Y/n) punched harder and harder.

"They've been at this for hours without even a small break" Tim whispered to Stephanie who had just come down into the cave. "Cass' training is more rigorous than Bruce's"

"Oh I know" Steph let out a small laugh. "She made him carry her on his shoulders for an entire day. She's like a Bat-Yoda. Although I think that one may have been just as much about her fun as it was about training"

Tim nodded as (y/n) hit the punching bag so hard it caused Cass to stumble back a step before she went back to her position. "Is she planning on making him one of us? I mean this can't just be self defense"

"It's Cass" Stephanie shrugged as she once again looked at the batgirl. "For her this is taking it easy. No guns or swords"

"Fair point" Tim replied as suddenly he noticed (y/n) stop punching. Cass let go of the punching bag and pat the boy on the shoulder. "Looks like they're done"

The batcomputer started beeping and Cassandra was the first one there a moment later. "Rob" she pointed to the screen.

Tim looked at the screen as he made it to the computer and nodded. "I can handle it" he spoke as he quickly ran towards the stand housing his costume.

"You sure?" Steph asked as she watched the boy quickly run off to change.

"It's just a bank robbery!" Tim yelled from where he was changing. "I got it!"

Cassandra turned and watched as (y/n) looked at the display stands that held each heroes main suit against the wall, save for the ones that weren't there at the moment.

She walked over beside the boy and looked up at him as he stared at her Batgirl suit.

"I'm taking the subway rocket" Tim spoke as he walked out in his Robin suit.

"Bruce isn't going to like that" Stephanie replied but Tim pretended he didn't hear that as he quickly made his way to the subway rocket.

Cass took (y/n)'s hand, pulling him back from his thoughts and towards her. In the background they heard the subway rocket activate but they ignored it.

The boy looked at Steph and then at the suits. Cassandra pointed to the Spoiler suit. He nodded and then looked once again between Cass and her suit. Finally he pointed to himself.

Cassandra considered this for a moment. She was quick to run to the lead lined closet that they weren't allowed to enter. She came back out a moment later with two of Bruce's plain black cowls.

She grabbed the boys hand and pulled him along as she walked to the stairs that lead out of the cave.

Once up in the manor she lead the boy to the dining room before sitting him down at the table. She reached up and placed one of the cowls on the boys head, she had remembered that this one had been a bit small on Bruce and she smiled as her observation that it would fit the boy was proven to be correct. It would need to be altered a bit though.

"Yes" she nodded before pulling the cowl off. Cass motioned for the boy to stay as she placed the cowls on the table and stood up. She quickly left the room.

(Y/n) sat there in silence as he waited for Cass to return. She arrived after a couple minutes holding a bag in her hands. She opened it to reveal sowing materials and scissors.

Cassandra quickly cut up the mask that she hadn't put on the boy. She took a large piece of it and was quick to begin to sew it over the mouth part of the cowl that fit the boy.

Half an hour of careful work later Cassandra held up the newly improved Cowl. She held it up for (y/n) to look at and he smiled widely. It was essentially Bruce's cowl but with Cass' cowl design. She slowly put it on the boy and smiled as she looked at him.

He tilted his head questioningly. Cass gave the boy a thumbs up as she leaned forward and pressed her forehead up against the boys forehead. "G- good" she pat his shoulder.

The boy nodded as he enjoyed the feeling of the cowl on his head. It was much more comfortable than he had expected it to be. He stared at Cass through the cowl as their heads continued to press together. He leaned closer and pressed his masked lips against hers.

Cass stayed still for a moment, she had to admit to herself at this point that she liked the boy, she wasn't going to lie to herself or him, she wasn't that sort of a person. There was no reason to hide her feelings.

She pulled back from the boy, confusing him for a moment until she pulled his cowl off. She pressed her lips against (y/n)'s lips again as she reached up and held his head in her hands.

After a moment they broke the kiss, Cass was surprised that (y/n) was decent at it, it had taken her a bit to learn how to kiss. They stared into each others eyes for a moment, Cass watching as the boy tried to figure out his emotions and what they all meant. She'd teach him, just as she had once been taught by Conner.

"(Y/n)" Cass spoke as she ran her hand across his cheek, she had been practicing that ever since learning to speak and she was glad she hadn't messed it up like she feared that she would.

Word count: 1000

(Are the pictures gone from most of my other chapters or is that just a glitch with my wattpad?)

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