Waking Up

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The explosions that had destroyed Gotham's downtown area were terrible but once the survivors had been evacuated the hero's were quick to catch the mastermind behind the whole thing. Surprisingly it wasn't any of Gotham's infamous supervillains but instead just some random goon who had grown tired of working for Black Mask and decided to prove himself. 

Months went by and many survivors remained either comatose or to injured to leave the hospitals they had been taken to once things had begun to calm down.

To everyone's surprise Bruce Wayne had stepped up and offered to pay all medical expenses for those who were injured in the disaster and didn't have insurance or who's insurance wouldn't cover them for whatever reason. Bruce Wayne had always been generous with his money but even for him this must have cost a fortune.

A few of the more serious cases had been taken directly to Wayne enterprises, where Bruce had hired the nations top doctors to handle them. This was also where they brought (y/n), not only because of his condition but also because the bat wanted to keep an eye on him and this was the easiest place for that.


Batgirl sat atop Wayne tower, looking over both the areas destroyed and intact. She and spent the entire night on patrol and had decided before going back home to watch the sun rise. She had always heard that the sunrise was supposed to be beautiful but she hadn't seen the appeal and was curious as to what it would look like.

She watched as the top of the sun just slightly came into view before she suddenly heard a voice in her ear. "Batgirl, the patient is waking up" the voice of Oracle spoke to her, causing the batgirl to jump to her feet.

She was quick to run towards the door that gave her access to the building and opened it. She had taken an interest in the boy since her first time seeing him and Oracle knew that, she didn't have to tell her but she was glad she did.

Batgirls interest was not romantic but instead more out of curiosity, the boy had seemingly grown up in a way that was simultaneously so different and so similar to how she herself had been raised.

By the time she had made it down to the recently converted hospital floor of the building the boy was about to get out of bed, only to realize he was strapped to it. He growled as he saw Batgirl enter the room.

She walked closer to him, causing him to try more desperately to force his way out of the hospital bed.

She sighed, telling from his demeanor that he was terrified of her, before deciding to do something she knew Batman wouldn't approve of. Batgirl stopped walking towards the boy, succeeding in confusing him and causing him to stop struggling for a moment.

She reached up and behind her head before slowly pulling her mask off. She lowered it slowly, giving the boy time to look over her face and decide for himself if she was a threat.

 She lowered it slowly, giving the boy time to look over her face and decide for himself if she was a threat

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Cassandra stood there for another minute before dropping the mask and slowly walking towards the boy. He was no longer as scared, instead most of that emotion was replaced with curiosity and a bit of trepidation.

Once Cass was at the boys bedside she slowly reached towards the straps holding his right arm down. He tensed as she got that close but didn't fight. She quickly got the strap off of him and held her hands up. He pulled his arm away from her and stretched it out.

Cassandra waited until his arm was down at his side again before pointing to his other arm. He watched her warily for a moment before nodding. Cass reached over the boy and gently undid that arm.

The boy once again stretched his newly freed limb as the girl swiftly undid one of the straps that held down his legs before undoing the other.

(Y/n) sat up and continued to warily stare at Cassandra. She could see that he was no longer scared but instead just confused, probably as to where he was and why Grundy wasn't with him... no, that confusion slowly turned to grief as he seemed to realize that the only reason he'd be anywhere without Grundy would be if he were gone.

Cassandra tried not to let the pity show on her face as she lowered the right railing of the hospital bed and sat down beside the boy, turning her head to face him. She held out her arms so as to offer a hug, something she had never given before, she had however received a remarkable number of them from Stephanie. Those always made her feel a bit better, even in the worst moments.

The boy looked at her outstretched arms in confusion, obviously not understanding what she was doing. Cassandra motioned for him to sit forward a bit, something he obliged to do. She then scooted a bit closer to the boy and gently wrapped her arms around him.

He tensed up for a long moment before sinking into the embrace. After yet another few moments even returning it, prompting Cassandra to let out a small smile. She gently rubbed the larger boys back with her hand, the way Stephanie always did when trying to comfort her.

Cassandra's smile dropped as she felt a couple tears fall onto her cape. She tightened her embrace on him, beginning to rock a bit from side to side, it felt like the right thing to do.

This would take time and she knew it, but she still hated it when anyone was sad, she would do her best to help him though, this she silently promised him as she continued their hug, not letting go until she was certain he was done crying.

Word count: 1020

(Turns out having two characters who don't talk makes for very different writing. I recommend every author writes a Cassandra book, just for this experience alone)

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