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(Just a quick reminder for you all to comment. The more comments I get the more inspired I feel to write. Especially on a story like this where its a character many people don't know)

(Y/n) had been living on the streets of Gotham so long he had no clue what his last name was, if he had ever known it the name was now long forgotten.

Naturally because of the situation he was in the boy was lucky to be alive. There was no doubt in any of the few people that had heard of the boys minds that he wouldn't have passed the infant stage without the help of his guardian.

The creature had found (y/n) during one of his, at the time, rare excursions out of the Gotham sewer system and instantly some sort of latent paternal instincts had kicked in. He would go up above and steal anything the child needed.

The creatures actions did not go unnoticed by the cities resident vigilantes. The Question was the first to investigate. When he got down into the sewers he saw what was going on, he tried to take the child away but after almost being beaten to death and a lot of crying from the kid he realized that it was for the best that he stay there.

He went to the Bat with the situation.

The next time the creature was about to leave the sewers to get food for his child he instead found crates of food waiting for him. Every week after that the monster continued to find food and other supplies. Since then the creature and the vigilantes had an unspoken understanding.


(Y/n) watched the tunnels in his usual silence as he waited for his guardian to come back. The creature always disappeared at this time of day and came back with new supplies.

"Grrrr" the boy stood up quickly as he heard the unmistakable growl ring through the sewers. A moment later the monster appeared from the darkness, slowly lumbering towards the teenager he had raised, now carrying a couple large crates. "Solomon Grundy" he growled as he dropped the crates before the kid. "Brings... Food"

(Y/n) quickly grabbed his crowbar and smashed the crate open with it. He dropped the crowbar before grabbing the first thing he spotted, an orange, and taking a bite of it. He let out a happy noise and smiled at Grundy as he chewed what was in his mouth.

Grundy smiled back before patting the boys shoulders and walking past him. "Solomon Grundy" he spoke quietly as he walked away. "Born on a Monday" he disappeared into another tunnel farther down the corridor as the sounds of gunshots quickly called out in the distance.

The boy covered his ears at the sounds of the gunshots before following Grundy, curious about the loud noise.

Else where the Batman had just dropped down into the sewers and immediately was forced to dodge gunfire. The shooter quickly ran deeper inside before Batman quickly followed. "We can make this easy. Just tell me who hired you to kill Bruce Wayne"

"Go to hell ya freak!" The assassin was about to fire but his gun was quickly hit out of his hand by a batarang before a much smaller bat dropped from the ceiling and landed behind him.

The criminal quickly ran again as Batman motioned for Batgirl not to take him out yet. "Right now the only difference between you and me is that I know what's down here" he spoke to the criminal as he slowly walked after him, batgirl taking her place at his side.

The criminal went to take a few more shots before remembering his lost gun. He was about to run again when a giant pale white hand shot out of the darkness behind him and grabbed him by the neck, causing him to scream in pain and fear.

Batgirl quickly pulled out an explosive batarang as she prepared for a fight but Batman was quick to motion for her not to throw it. "Grundy!" He yelled as he pulled out his bat-flashlight to get a better look at the monster and the boy peaking his head out from behind him. "He's mine, let him go"

Grundy growled as he squeezed the man's throat harder. "Light!" The zombie roared, prompting the bat to turn off the light.

"Give him to us and I promise he'll never set foot in here again" Batman spoke as he slowly approached Grundy, Batgirl doing the same as she put her batarang away. "This is your place, you two will be left alone"

Grundy growled before roughly throwing the assassin so he landed right in front of Batman. "Leave!" He roared before turning around, taking the boy by the shoulder and leading him back.

Batgirl stared at the two until they disappeared from sight. She looked questioningly to Bruce who had just picked up the now filthy criminal and handcuffed him. "I'll explain later"


The ground shook violently as explosions rocked the buildings above. Grundy was quick to grab his child by the back of his to small shirt and hoist him onto his shoulders. "Leave" was all he spoke as the sewers around them began to collapse. "Bat lied"

The teen nodded as he held onto Grundys head so as not to fall if he began running.

They made it pretty far before they found an area which had completely caved in. Grundy growled before turning around the way they came just in time to watch as it also began to cave in.

Grundy gently took the boy off his head and placed him on the ground. He pat him on the head before quickly running at one of the piles of debris. It was to thick for him to break through completely, instead the room shook, as if hitting the debris had somehow made the room unstable.

Grundy groaned before running back to his son and quickly using himself as a human shield just in time. "Solomon Grundy... Died on a Saturday. Buried on a Sunday"


Gotham was in flames, all the currently active vigilantes as well as some of the Justice League and Society were doing their best to try and save as many as they could from the smoldering wreckage which had once been downtown.

Batgirl turned on the thermal vision of her suit as she looked around. This wasn't even the first time this had happened while she was in the city, this was however the first time she had been Batgirl when something like this happened.

She was pulled from her thoughts as she spotted a faint heat signature and snapped her fingers quickly, gaining Hourman's attention. The hero quickly ran over to where she pointed and began scooping dirt and debris away so he could dig a hole down to whoever needed help.

Batgirl watched as the hole got deeper and deeper. Once the hole was big enough for two she jumped on beside Hourman. Eventually with enough digging the heroes hand struck a body. "Grundy!" the man spoke with surprise at seeing the back of one of the Justice Society's strongest villains here in Gotham.

Batgirls eyes widened as she realized who it was and she quickly began trying to lift the once again dead creature. Hourman quickly helped her, pulling the monster off and to the side just as his hour of powers ran out.

Batgirl was quick to look back to where they had pulled out Grundy. Laying there, unconscious and bloody, was the boy she had observed upon her first time in the Gotham sewers with Batman all those weeks ago. She quickly checked his pulse and was relieved to find he was still alive, even if only barely.

She was gentle when picking up the badly injured boy. He smelled disgusting since he had lived in the sewers his entire life but she ignored that as she used her free hand to pull out her grappling gun. She motioned for Hourman to grab onto her and once his arms were around her waist she quickly used the grapple to get them out of the hole.

Hourman let go of her as soon as they were out and Batgirl put her grapple away before using her once again free right hand to make it easier for herself to support the boy in her arms.

Batgirl ran as quickly as she could, her cape billowing behind her, towards the closest of many field hospitals that had been set up when the national guard had arrived to help with the situation.

Word count: 1470

(I've been trying to write a good Cassandra Cain book for so long. Hopefully that will be this one. Thoughts so far?)

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