Rain - a willow on the lake

Start from the beginning

"Excause me, what?" I asked in calm voice and mom looked at me with a soft smile. "Oh my dear, when will you be ready to have children? When are you going to be finished with this whole Tour shit, and find a husband to love and care about? When will you grow up and give me a grandchild?" "I am a grown-up! And I can do whatever I want to do!" I said, mad. Why did I even allow her to stay? I knew this could happen. My mom shook her head. "Oh my little one. Even as a child you were the complete opposite of your big sister. She was a good student with good marks and she helped me with cooking and cleaning and all you wanted was playing your stupid guitar while your room was chaotic!"

"Nothing has changed" I heard Aether say and looked at him very mad before I looked back at my mother."Well if you just visited me to tell me how disappointed you are, then you can go right now." I stood up and wanted to go to the door but my mom stopped me by grabbing my hand. "Oh my dear, you are 26 years old and don't have a husband or childen, or a real job, not even a real home!" She looked around and I slapped her hand away from mine."This IS my home! And This is my family! And I want you to go, now!" I yelled at her and my mom looked at me shocked. "That is your Family? No! We are your family!" She protested but I just shook my head. "No! In a family you support and accept each other how they are. Now leave this place!" I continued to yell at her and was a bit disappointed that my Father stayed quiet. Even now when I needed him. When my mom didn't moved I heard someone standing up behind me."She said that you should leave so please do it." I heard Rain's shy voice. I wondered why he of all people was the one saying something but he stood there with a confident face. "But we are not leaving!" My mom yelled at Rain and I saw how he flinched a little bit. That was enough. She could yell at me but not at my friend!

I took her arm in a rough way and pulled her to our door. "You are really the biggest disappointment I've ever seen!" My mom said while I still pulled her towards the door. "I wished I'd have stopped having children after your sister!" Her sentence hurt so much. My heart felt like it would break. But I used the pain and turned it to anger so I pushed my mom who slammed against the fence"You know, maybe I'll get a husband and children someday. And do you know who is never going to meet them? You're right: YOU! You will never meet them and yeah maybe I wont have children, maybe I'll just go on tour until I'm 80 years old and die on stage! But then I can say, I had a good life! At least I have lived instead of being at home all day, cooking and cleaning the house for my children and my husband. I don't want to die in a boring way like you will! You will die alone on your couch but I will die on stage with Thousands of fans around me!"My Mom wanted to say something but I interrupted her."Don't ever call me again! And don't you dare visit me again!" I pushed her out of the door and my Father, who followed us, right after her and slammed the door.

I leaned my hands against the door and tried to calm down my breath. I was shaking very badly because I was sad and angry at the same time and I just had the wish to destroy something. When I calmed down a little bit I turned around. The Ghouls and Papas looked at me and I felt uncomfortable. "Is something wrong?" I asked angry and walked straight to the door. As fast as I could, I ran to my room and slammed the door behind me.

I looked around.My room wasn't even that chaotic! I let out an angry scream and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I took the first thing I could grab and threw it across my whole room. The book fell on the ground and I heard it bang. The next thing I threw across my room was an elephant that was made out of porcelain and it hit the ground and broke. My parents gave me the Elephant a few years ago because I love elephants but I was Happy that it broke. Hearing it break was a satisfying sound. When I turned around to grab something new I accidentally hit a photo of the whole band, including Alpha, Omega, Ifrit, Mist, Terzo, Secondo and Primo, and it fell down on the ground. I heard the glass breaking

"Fuck!" I screamed angrily, but actually I was very sad that it broke. When I grabbed it to pick it up I rammed a shard into my hand and let the picture fall again. I screamed because of the pain and blood flowed out of the wound. I felt that the shard was still in my hand while I held it. I knelt on the ground of my room and started crying because of the pain. The Pain from my wound and the pain from my heart. I just let the tears fall. Suddenly I heard someone knocking at my door and then open it.

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