chapter seven

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 1.07 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'I'm exhausted and am running low on the ability to give witty comebacks, soon they'll turn into me being a complete bitch and I don't think any of you are prepared for that.'


"Lock it, lock it!" Scott shouted as the trio held the doors shut.

"With what key Scott?" Lottie shouted back incredulously, waving her arms around as if to show him the lack of key.

"Grab something-" Scott tried.

"What?" Stiles asked.


Glancing outside, Stiles noticed the bolt cutters lying on the floor a few metres from the door they were standing behind, still left outside. Noticing his gaze Lottie began shaking her head furiously.

"No. Don't you dare-" She started, only to be cut off by Stiles making a break for it and making his way outside, inching towards the bolt cutters slowly. Grabbing the bolt cutters he looked up and met Scott and Lottie's scared faces.

"Run!" They shouted as Stiles turned to see a shadow, large and ominous, gunning for him. Charging back into the safety of the school, Scott and Stiles fumble around with the bolt cutters, securing them in the handles of the door, blocking the three of them inside.

"Brilliant. What about the tens of other doors and hundreds of windows though?" Lottie asked as they backed away from the door slowly.

"Problem for future us." Stiles answered, grabbing her hand as they ran. Running through the school until they made their way into a dark classroom, pushing the teachers desk up against the door.

"It's your boss." Stiles sighed as the three of them caught their breath.


"Deaton. The Alpha. Your boss."


"Scott. He disappeared and next thing you know Derek's dead- Oh my God- Derek's dead. What do we do?" Lottie cried out in shock.

"It's not him." Scott insisted, adamant it wasn't his boss.

"Lottie's right. He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air. That's not convenient timing? He killed Derek." Stiles confirmed, hugging Lottie to his side, stroking her back comfortingly.

"Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." Scott refused.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth. That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead. We're next."

"Yeah I don't think a trip to the ER will be able to fix that." Lottie added sadly.

"Okay--just--what do we do?" Scott asked, panicking.

"We get to my Jeep. We get out of here. You seriously think about quitting your job. Good?" Stiles explained, coming up with a plan quickly.

"They don't open. The school's climate controlled." Lottie told Scott as he looked at the window, pressing his hand against the glass.

"Then we break it."

"Which will make a fuck tonne of noise." Lottie added.

"So then we run really fast."

The three looked back out to the Jeep, it seeming miles away, further than it did before. With a gulp, Lottie turned to Stiles, noticing something wrong with his Jeep.

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