Reading Chapter 1

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"Who will like to read?" Hestia asked.

It was a few moments before Annabeth raised her hand. "I'll read first, Lady Hestia."

Percy rolled his eyes but there was a smile on his face. "Of course, I should have expected that Wise Girl would want to go first."

Annabeth jabbed him in the ribs. "Shut up, Seaweed Brain," she said before standing up and taking the book from Hestia.

She opened the book and began to read.

    Hoodlums punch my face
    I would smite them if I could
    Mortality blows


Annabeth put the book down, a frown on her face.

"Was that... a haiku?" Hermes slowly asked. There was a look of horror on his face.

He only knew one person who would make haikus like that. He, along with the other gods and a few demigods (like Percy and Thalia) turned towards Apollo.

The sun god was beaming.

"So this is about me?" Apollo asked. He looked very happy.

Artemis and the Hunters grimaced.

"Please," Artemis groaned. "Please don't tell me that this is about my brother."

A piece of paper appeared out of thin air and landed on Artemis' lap. She picked it up and read loudly, "It is."

She groaned again and Apollo beamed even more.

"You're kidding!" Ares exclaimed. "Why Sunbutt when it could be about me?"

Some of the other Olympians were frowning, agreeing with Ares, although they were probably also thinking why it couldn't be about them. The minor gods rolled their eyes.

Apollo smiled cockily at him, "Maybe its because-"


They all turned towards Athena. Her grey eyes were staring intently at the book in Annabeth's hands. She then looked at everyone.

"Hoodlums punch my face," she recited what her daughter had read. "I would smite them if I could, mortality blows."

The words finally sunk in.

Artemis and Leto stilled. Hermes' eyes widened and Apollo's smile vanished in an instant. He paled.

"What...?" he asked. His children looked at him worriedly.

"It couldn't be..." Leto's eyes shook and she turned towards Zeus. Many followed her example.

"My lord," she asked. "You announced that Apollo would be punished. I ask, what punishment did you have in mind?"

Zeus turned towards them. "My punishment for him is exactly what you are thinking. Apollo will be stripped of his immortality."

The demigod's eyes widened. That can happen?

Cabin 7 began to feel dread. Is their dad going to be okay?

"Woah woah woah," they turned towards Leo. "Can that happen?" he asked. Jason, Frank and Percy wondered the same thing. "A god can lose his godhood?"

No one answered until Athena did.

"It has happened twice before," she said.

"And its hardly surprising," Hera scoffed. Artemis and Apollo glared at her.

Leto looked at Zeus in plea. "Please my lord!" she said in desperation. "He is your son. Please have mercy on him!"

Even Jason looked at his father.

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