8; My Love from the Hanbok Rental Shop.

Start from the beginning

“It’s not about the speed, I want you to do it well so others wouldn’t have to clean up after you. No one here works for you, the others can’t be doing your job.”

Amina has realized one thing since the minute she met Veronica. The woman hates her guts, that much was evident.

She never said a thing to her about it though, she was holding onto patience for the sake of peace. She believes there are things that just aren’t worth creating a fuss over.

So, even in that position, she only nodded. “Alright.”

“Good.” Veronica turned around on her heels to head out, leaving a clank sound at its awake. However, she suddenly stopped and turned around. “Also, we’ve had an issue with our Hanbok supplier. I want you get twelve good ones, and make sure it’s of good quality else you’d pay for it. I want them here by 2:00PM for the photoshoot.”

Amina’s brows furrowed when the realization dawned in, and then her gaze snapped to the IWatch strapped around her wrist, before her gaze snapped to the woman again. “Wait, it’s 11:27. I don’t have much time.”

Veronica offered her a fake wide smile. “Exactly. So, you better get going, fast.” With that said, she turned around on her heels and walked out, Hades, the poor intern in tow.

Amina hastily picked up her belongings and headed out, knowing she had to abide by the instructions else she wouldn’t hear the end of it. Simply finding a way to get it would be a hassle on its own. StIll, she was quick to order a cab before she stepped out, glad to see it was only five minutes away.

So, instead of simply standing outside the building waiting, she decided to surf through the internet in an attempt to find the nearest Hanbok shop. A few popped up, and she instantly marked them. She’d check every one of them if she has to, she has to meet the time frame. She just has to.

While she was doing so, she spotted a group of three approaching her, or more like, making their way into the building. She lifted her gaze and rested it in them for a split second, which she regretted upon seeing who it was.

She rolled her eyes, and shifted her gaze back to her phone to continue what she was doing, then their not so hushed whispers reached her eyes.

“Is that the girl that got in through connections?” Inquired one of them, pretending to be asking a question when they all know it really isn’t.

It was a taunt, one that Amina had gotten used to and have been ignoring.

“Of course, the girl Miss Choi Ae Ra introduced to Veronica.” Stated another, before huffing out a mocking breath. “You all know how Veronica hates all these favored kids. We’ve seen tons of them come and leave. She wouldn’t last long.”

Another say said something in Korean, which Amina could only understand snippets of. Unlike the other two, she’s the Korean amongst the three.

The thing is, Hallyu comprises of people from numerous places. It being an international company meant it had various people working there, to maintain a balance instead of it being Korean dominated.

The official Medium of communication there was English though, much to Amina’s luck but ever language was welcomed as well. So far, she’d seen Americans there, Veronica a typical example, a few from the Middle East and the most being Asians. No surprise there.

“I heard the company even rented a five star hotel for her. Clearly, she’s got strong connections.” That statement, Amina has heard it too many times that it’s engraved in her mind.

She thought it was weird as well, but now that she realized she was the only one that got such treatment, even she couldn’t deny there was something fishy about it.

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