People Don't Exist

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As Thomas started to huff through the woods, more and more creatures started to appear before his eyes. Not one is the same, some tall and thin some short and extreamly obease. There is no way that these were the same as Thomas at one point. His eyes darted and stared between two, that looked like his old friends from middle school, who became his worst nightmeres at the start of high school.
"James, and Phil" He sofly said to himself. They were not as grotest as the other ones around, they looked more human, Thomas sat and watched for about an hour. They walked in only a circle, unbothered by the wild life. Thomas crept around them and started twoard Mike's Dad's again.


"Shit..." Thomas froze as he looked behind him.
"HuMan.... SmAlL... SmELly..." The creature that used to be James Groaned while looking directly at Thomas from his circular path.
Thomas couldn't move and every attempt he made caused his legs to shake, he was terrified, more than he ever was of his mother.
The creature steped off the path, and pushed bushes and trees from their way to Thomas.
"AHHHH RUIENED!!! RETURN!!! RUINED!!!" The other creature form of Phil Screeched at the other. Thomas hearing this took off as the first was draged back to continue the circular path.


Thomas ran the rest of the way without looking back, He came to a shed that had see more years than him, worn from weather and tillted from wind. He opened the door to see guns and poles, knives and gernades.

"Someone had some fun on the black market." He muttered, he grabbed a staff, a handgun, and 4 gernades and put them in a pack that was in the corner. He grabed a knife and a holster for it and hid it under the back of his shirt. He strapped on the pack, grabbed a few boxes of ammo for the handgun and left the shack.

He loaded it and held it tight, he continued on his path. He walked on and on till it got dark, he stopped and climbed a tree, not to high because he couldn't get higher than 8ft before he got exausted. He found that trees are his least favorite thing, after it killed his siblings and stabbed him. He saw a faint light in the air after the sun was completely gone. After a while the light completely cut off, and Thomas fell asleep knowing a direction to go in the morning.

As day crept up so did a tiny creature. It crawled up the tree closer, and closer to Thomas. As it reached him it went for his leg and bit into his flesh. It tore off a large chunk off of him and it shocked Thomas awake. "AAHH FUCK!!" He screamed as he slapped and tried to kick the creature off of him.

Thomas kicked and kicked at the creature's head, soon he found his adrenilene spike giving him enough force to crack the small skull.

As it fell he saw a familiar bracelet around the wrist of the creature. Another small creature appeared only to drag the first one off, away from further harm.

He climbed down the tree and comtinued down a beaten path, stopping to catch his breath and listen for danger Thomas just walked.

He saw a huge building made of concrete and steel. Not many windows, could pass as a super sized bomb shelter.

He walked closer and saw there were wires all around the ground, with spikes or nails attached.

"Barbarack" Thomas wispered to himself.

(Sorry for small section. More comeing!)

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