"I thought he was 11."

"No. 10. All face cards are 10."

"Oh." I rubbed the skin between my thumb and the rest of my fingers. "Another."

"Sure?" I nodded. "8 of hearts."


"6 of hearts. 2 for 2."

"Why are we playing this?"

"Because it's giving you something to focus on to bring you back into reality rather than your nightmare." He shuffled. "What happened?"

"I don't- I don't know. I was sleeping and then someone came in and they had a knife and I screamed and they-"

"Just a dream Rey." He put the cards beside him. "Who was it? Could you tell?" I nodded. "Someone you know then?" He moved a little closer and my fists clenched, pulling my legs up between us. "Oh. Freya-" I shook my head.

"Don't. It was just a dream-"

"You can have them about people you trust too Rey. Not just him. It doesn't mean anything. I know it's scary, it's just your brain trying to work out what happened. Can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Why were you on the couch?"

"I don't like the bed."

"Why not?"

"He- uh- we-"

"Ahh. Gotcha. One more question."


"Do you trust me?"

"I think so? I don't know right now."

"Yeah, expected that. Want to try something out? Could make sleeping a lot easier for you and mean you won't have that painful neck you've been trying to hide for the past few weeks." He grabbed the cards, standing up slowly and holding out his hand. "Deja vu." Leo almost laughed, knocking my nerves to the floor long enough for me to take his hand and stand up. He pulled me to the door, out and down the hall into his room. "He never came in here right?"

"Not that I know of."

"Good. You've got a clean slate then." He pulled back the bed sheets a little more from where he'd obviously jumped out when he heard me freaking out. "In you get." I didn't even have a second to fight before he sat me down, pulled my legs under and tucked me in. "I'll sleep on the sofa."

"I'm not taking your bed Leo."

"Hm. See here's the thing sweetheart. Yeah you are. Try it out. If you can sleep there then we can look at sorting it tomorrow. You need to rest Rey. Can't do that if you're not asleep. Close your eyes."

"I can't-" He bobbed down beside me.

"Why not?"

"I need my bear."

"Of course, you have a teddy." He chuckled. "Where? On your sofa I'm guessing?" I nodded. "Stay here." I turned onto my side, getting comfortable in his bed. The smell of him soaked these pillows and it was making me exceptionally tired. Leo always knew what I needed, what to say, what to do. Who hears some girl probably sobbing in the room next door and thinks I need a pack of cards? Mental.

Leo walked back into the room, dropped a blanket onto his sofa at the bottom of the bed. Getting down onto his knees, he lifted Pudgy, presenting him to me until I chuckled.

"Madam Parks. I present to you-"

"Sir Buttons of Pillowtown."

"Sir Buttons of Pillowtown?"

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