Firey watched until he was certain he was dead, shooting him once in the chest for good measure and burying the body out in the nearby desert  just to be on the safe side.

He felt nothing.

Anything that stood in his way of getting back to the woman he loved needed to go, he didn't care who it was.

But there was a pit like feeling, like a void in his chest, maybe he was human after all.

As he continued to walk for God know how long and after he some time, he came across a bridge that cars drove on to get over a river that was far below.

The sun was beginning to set, there was no one around, Firey placed a hand on the railing, staring down at the unnervingly deep, rushing river.

There were rocks too, big, sharp ones that promised death at the moment of impact.

Firey stared at the drop, his knuckles becoming white with the intensity of his grip.

One single movement was all it would take...

One little leg up and it would all be over.

Was he meant to walk on this bridge? Was this a sign?

What if this whole thing didn't work? What if he was just going to run in circles his whole life from everything that was out to get him?

What if it never ended?

He hadn't been promised that he would be able to go home, he had killed a man at the mere possibility of it.

What was the point of continuing if all it meant was pain for everyone involved.

He was already dead as far as Leafy knew, she would never know.

Nothing felt real anymore, it all felt horribly wrong and the drop looked so inviting...

He leaned over the rail, feeling the rush of wind that blew from below, it was sharp and cold, almost like a slap.

His eyes widened as he realised what he was doing and he launched himself backwards, falling onto his back on the concrete road.


He lay there for a while in shock of what his mind had gone to at the mere idea of death, a real one.

He struggled to breath, winded from his fall, his head was foggy, so much so that he almost didn't hear the car that was driving toward him.

He quickly pushed himself off the ground, sitting against the bridge wall and watching the car speed past.

Shakily, he took out his phone and called the only person he could talk to.

"Hey, X ?"

"Hello Firey, how are you?" he heard his department head's cheerful voice ask.

"I-I'm fine, I just had a question,"

"Go ahead!" they chirped.

"What are we doing? What's the point of all this if we have no guarantee that it'll end? What's the end goal?" he blurted.

"We are working to prevent this from getting worse, I promise you it will be worth it, the goal is to make things safer for civilians,"X stated.

"But what about everyone else involved? People are dying X, no matter who they are why do we have a right to kill them while we get to live?"

"None of us have a right to live but they chose the path they were on just like you and I have, I don't like it but I chose this job and I've had to learn to be mature,"

"This is too much X, I want to go home, I want to see my wife, I don't want this anymore"

"Firey, are you okay?"

Firey took a deep breath, still shaking as his eyes grew blurry with tears.


From his desk in the office X operated from, he listened to Firey break down, dropping his phone as his crying turned into sobs and he heard him fall to the ground.

"Please X... please I want to go home... I wasn't made for this,"

X felt bad for the young man, the youngest person the organisation had ever employed.

After Firey's little slip up, X had fought for him to be able to remain in his position and it had worked, maybe even too well.

Firey was in charge of things, possibly a cruel joke by the other people in charge since he was already on the gang's radar.

Firey was so young for this line of work, it was all a bit much.

Hearing Firey's anguished sobs as he repeated the phrase "I'm sorry, please just make it stop," X felt his heart break for the man.

He had thrown his life away...

Actually no, his life had been taken from him, everything he knew or loved was far behind him because of this mission with to assurance of returning to what was once his norm.

" Firey, where are you?" X questioned.

"On a bridge," Firey said simply.

"Okay, why don't you walk to a safe spot, I'll get your location and I'll send a car out to you and we'll set you up somewhere comfortable so you can rest, alright?" X said kindly.

"Yes... thank you," Firey sighed, still scared and trembling.

X talked to him as he walked to the other side of the bridge, ensuring he he was safe and didn't turn back around, only hanging up once Firey was a good distance away.

Firey sat on a rock watching the sunset over the eerily calm desert.

What would Leafy think if she saw him now?

This chapter was a bit intense im sorry.

Howver i hope you liked it.

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