These guys were so good. They were hiding from us all these years. Someone powerful must've helped them. Powerful like me. Its shameful for me to take these many years to find the bastard.

Three of us go down the stairs.
"Call Dante." I order.
I put the code in the basement door.

The day I lost my wife and daughter.

The strong sound and bullet proof metallic door opens slowly. I hear footsteps behind me.
"This way Papa." Dante leads the way and we follow him.

He takes us to the dead cells. We call them the dead cells because the people in those cells mean nothing to us. We torture them until they spit the truth. Later kill them.

We reach his cell and I see him tied up to a wooden chair. Bleeding to his death. Red spreads over my eyes. I scan the roon for any sort of weapons to bash his head. My eyes catch a metal pipe.

I grab it with my arms and raise it to smash his head. I smash his head and get satisfied as I hear the 'cling' sound. Blood spit out of him and still leaking.

I stare smashing him again and again. Maria's face infront of eyes. Her lifeless body. Isabella.

He falls to the floor.
His teeth fell off.

"Papa thats enough!" I see Lorenzo holding me back and takes the pipe out of my hand and yanks it away.

Alfonzo takes his chair and steadies him.

"Name?" Dante asks.

"Alexis." He says slurring.

"Who sent you? Where were you hiding all these years you stupid bastard."
I can hear the frustration dripping out of Dantes words.

Bastard goes quiet.

"SAY IT!" He yells and kicks him making him fall back in his chair and hit head.

A scream coming out of him. He takes the chair and places back to its original place.

Alfonzo takes the pliers and clutches Alexis nails.
Alexis eyes bulged out in fear and his screaming intensifies.

"Spill out." He says and waits for some seconds and rips of his index and middles finger nails in seconds. Alexis screams are followed and Alfonzo takes the base of the pliers and hits him in the head and grabs his hair roughly.

"Spill fucker if you don't I am gonna gauge your eye out this time."

"Okay! Okay fine!" He says at last.

"I was in need of money and a guy came and gave me an o-offer he said he would give me a l-lot of money. He didn't s-say his name."

Alfonzo takes the metal pipe and hits his damaged fingers. Breaking them.

A blood curdling scream envelops the room.
"How does he look like?"

"I s-swear! He didn't say anything about him after the j-job was done he gave me money and protection. All he had was a Panthers tattoo on his neck and he had dark hair and dark skin. I s-swear. Please l-let me go. I AM S-SORRY!"

He screams at the end in pain and exhaustion. I can see it in his eyes he is saying the truth.

"Take care of it." I say and leave the room.

"NO! NO NO DON'T! LEAVE ME WITH THIS ASSHOLE. I AM S-SORRY" Alexis pleads were cut off when the door closed.

"Papa." I turn around to find Dante. Lorenzo is with Alfonzo torturing Alexis.

"Yes son?" I ask.

"We will find him Papa. He gave us a clue. We will find him I promise you." He promised.

"I know son, I know."
My feet take me to kitchen to clean the blood on my hands.

The only sound I heard was the faucet running.

Panther tattoo. I've to do more research.

After cleaning myself I check the time. It's 9 PM. Isabella hasn't eaten yet.

I make my upstairs and open her door to see her sleeping soundly. My hand raises to wake her up but stops when I see her eyebrows scrunched. I bend a little to see her clutching her blanket harder and clenching her eyes harder and curling herself in a ball.


"Bella?" I say out loud to wake her.
She opens her eyes and her eyes slowly dragged to look at me. Fear filled in her eyes.

"Are you okay bambina?" I ask.
She replies me with a nod and slowly gets up.

"Is it a nightmare? Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask her to make her feel a little comfortable.

"I don't. " She said in her raspy voice as she just woke up.

Her answer taken me aback a little. I was surprised at her rudeness.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come out harsh." She soon says later.

"Its okay bambina. Are you hungry?" I ask her completely changing the subject.

She nodded.


Everyone gathered in dinning room and placed themselves on the chairs while me and Marco started setting the table and serving food.

It was just simple mac and cheese.

After Marco and I settled ourselves in the chair everyone started digging in.

My heart feels complete when I see the whole dinning table filled with my sons and daughter. But one chair remains empty.



Guys! Thank you for the reads and support.
Means a lot!<33

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