Chapter 6: Of Butterflies and Shoelace

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"It's about time. Everyone gets ready. We'll begin soon." Tee reminded before she was gone into thin air.

Becky ended up getting the main character as Belle in the play while the rest of the Incredible Four decided that they would just become the behind-the-scenes crew members. As much as people believed that Kade was more talented in acting, she certainly lost it to Becky when it comes to singing and please don't tell Kade that everyone agreed Becky really looked like a princess. That was one of the reasons why Becky was chosen to play the role.

Tee took charge as the floor manager whereas Kade helped a lot in the acting skills. Jim on the other hand, took care of the costumes and makeup for everyone while Freen...nah she did nothing. Just being present for moral support. Kidding! Freen is so good at choreography, the thing that Becky never expected Freen could do. She learned how to dance with Freen.

"You can do this." Kade reassured it, noticing how anxious Becky has become.

"It's not like we're in a competition. Chill." Freen pointed out. Freen was right, they only needed to do this to complete their assignment. It was nothing much to begin with, just for the sake of better grade and assessment.

"Am I beautiful today?" Becky queried as she tugged the side of Freen's shirt, needing some attention. They exchanged their gazes through the reflection from the dressing mirror, staring at each other for a moment.

"Hmm...So-so." Freen responded, nonchalantly. Becky scowled at the sight of Freen's disinterest in her. Jim faked a cough, knowing that it was not entirely true. The 'so-so' from Freen might also mean 'very much' if you translated it otherwise. Her indirectness was something you need to decipher. She just could not express it directly to Becky of how gorgeous the girl looked like. She would not admit it.

"Stay still. I'm going to take some picture." Freen said before taking out a small compact digital camera from her pocket.

"Where did you get that?" Becky was mesmerized. She never expected that the students could own one while they're at the academy. She thought that it's forbidden.

"It's mine and you should have known that I'm the Vice President of the Photography club." Freen said with a smug look on her face at the mention of the 'Vice President'.

One shot after another, it seemed like Freen could not stop capturing ever angle and pose Becky did. Everything about Becky seemed unreal tonight. Her smiley eyes that lit up brightly whenever she smiled, that pointy prominent nose of any Caucasian would possess and those beautiful soft lips; Freen was captivated by Becky's princess-like appearance. The hairstyle that Jim braided added more beauty to that. It's just that she looked so good to be true yet she's real.

            "Let's have a picture together

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"Let's have a picture together. Shall we?" The request from Becky broke Freen's reverie.

"I've already capture all. You, Jim and Kade." It confused Freen upon hearing such request from Becky.

My GirlFreen (FreenBecky)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora