Chapter 13 Part 1: Operation Typhoon (American)

Comenzar desde el principio

Argus, Atlesian Defenses

Along the shores of Argus and the Argus military base lined Paladins, Spider droid's, AK 200's, and various soldiers.

Atlas Soldier 1: I don't like this.

Atlas Soldier 2: Neither do I, but do you know where they're coming from?

Atlas Soldier 3: I think they said from boats.

Atlas Soldier 1: That's a death wish.

AS 2: Yeah.

As they were speaking an Atlas Officer shouted.

Atlas Officer: In the distance! Look!

Everyone focused up, looking over at the ocean to see hundreds of Higgin boats, 2 LST's, US destroyers, cruisers and two Dreadnoughts/Battleships approaching.

AO: It's the enemy! Open fire!

With the order hundreds of dust rounds started to fly throughout the morning sky. As the American's Higgin boats were pelted with dust rounds, some bouncing off American helmets.

Inside an American boat.

Pershing Raider's


Marine 1: Damn! Your ass got lucky!

Marine 2: Well, yeah! And here I was wanting to take pity on these Atlas dogs and not wear a helmet.

Marine 5: Yeah, well even if you didn't the captain would've scorched your ass.

Marine 2: Yeah, yeah.

Jaune: Ugh...

Pyrrha: You ok Jaune?

Jaune: Yeah, this is somehow almost as bad as my air sickness.

Marine 3: If you're going to throw up! Go over the damn side! Like hell will I be hit with damn projectile vomit.

Jaune: Yeah, I know.

Soon everyone heard a massive explosion turning their heads to see a LCVP on fire, sinking down.

Marine 1: Damn Atlas cannons!

Everyone heard the driver shout out.

LCVP Driver: 30 seconds! We are landing in 30 seconds!

Marine Captain: Heads down, guns up, focus on enemy infantry. Friendly armor has those... Paladins and Spider things.

Marine 4: And the robots?

Marine Captain: Aim for the necks and take their damn heads off.

Marines: Yes sir.

LCVP Driver: Ramp going down!

The ramp the fell down with 3 marines being cut down by tons of Atlas gunfire.

Marine 8: AGH!

Marine 9: GAH!

Marine 7: GUH!

Nora: No!

Marine Captain: Leave them! Medic stay back!

The 3 marines fell to the ground as the medic stayed behind with the rest of everyone else rushing out the boats.

MC: Move! Move! We have to clear an opening for the 1st Division and 369th Regiment!

As multiple LCVP's and LST's landed, and their ramps fell allowing tanks and infantry to rush out to either get cut down by gunfire or to rush out to hide behind massive rocks.

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