Ch. 12 Festival Pt. 4

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~*Good evening Gentle Reader, we are hastily approaching the second round of the sports festival, so please fasten thy seatbelt and Enjoy at your Leisure*~

Izuka stood across from Shoto, one thought coursed through her mind.

"Lets help him!"


Izuka and Chikara agreed to help Shoto with his problem, they were going to help him get over his troubles.


"Guess you better get going then." Izuka nodded, she turned to leave but Chikara placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't forget, and good luck." Izuka smiled to herself.


Midnight threw her hand down, Izuka threw her finger forward countering the colossal amount of ice that Shoto threw her way. She destroyed it, one finger gone. He sent another, two fingers gone, another three

Izuka started to use her mouth to help flick her thumb. Chikara couldn't bare watch it anymore, watch his beloved hurt herself over and over again in such a gruesome fashion pained his soul.

Izuka then started to turn the tide by getting in some close combat to break Todoroki down a bit. His body severely fatigued from his ice and the damage he had received from the air attacks and blows of Izuka.


Todoroki's face grew angry. "Did my old man pay you off or something!" sending a tiny wall of ice her way, She ran around it and delivered multiple blows to Todoroki.

"ITS YOUR QUIRK YOU IDIOT! ITS YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS!" She yelled, Todoroki froze in place. Then his fire activated, "You really are dumb Midoriya, helping your opponent? Now who's fooling around."

"I'll end this in one final attack" Shoto uttered, Izuka grit her teeth and charged her power in her legs and thrust herself forward, she extended her arms and threw out a punch so powerful, once it collided with Todoroki's blast it exploded and destroyed the arena.


Izuka was going to need surgery and Chikara was very worried, but now he also had some questions as he sit idly in his waiting room, 'I've never really put much thought into it. What is that power she has? I know she told me she met All-Might, then she magically unlocks a secret quirk of hers, Similar to All-Mights, Theres no way to transfer a quirk is there? Unless, All-Mights quirk is listed as unknown, and so is Izuka's so that means. Oh my god.'

'She is going to cough up those answers later, but right now I gotta focus on my match.' "CHIKARA AIZAWA AND IBARA SHIOZAKI TO THE STAGE PLEASE" Chikara got up and head on his way. He passes by Iida who was seemingly running out of the stadium.

'Weird, hope he's alright' I thought as I walk out of the hallway and took place on my part of the stage, apart from me was the vine hair lady. Midnight threw her hand down to start the match

Shiozaki threw her vines down into the ground, Chikara braced as the vines wrapped around him, right before she could force him out of bounda Chikara's hair started to levitate and the vines retreated back to Shiozaki's head.

"What have you done? Why is my quirk no longer working?" Shiozaki questioned taking a defensive stance. "I erased your quirk." Chikara outed

"I know you, that last name, i'm surpised it took me this long to see, your Eraser-Heads son." "You got it, Surprised you didn't notice earlier. but i'm not here to play games."

Chikara constructed a wall and forced it to crawl towards Shiozaki pushing her out of bounds.

"WHAT AN AMAZING STRATEGY FROM CHIKARA AIZAWA, I BET YOUR PROUD RIGHT NOW HUH ERASER!?" Present Mic blared over the intercom. "It was a very wise strategy, avoid as much physical contact as to avoid risk and play to your opponents weaknesses." Shota wouldn't say it over the intercom but everybody knew he was proud.

Chikara walked back to his locker room to see Izuka waiting there, all bandaged up. Chikara hugged her tightly like he would die if he let go. "How did the surgery go?! Are you okay!? God you need to learn how to control your quir- Nevermind that are you okay how was the surgery?! Your fine right!? No permanent damage!? Tell me please!" "Yes I'm fine I'm okay it went well calm down." Izuka consoled him. "Izuka you need to stop injuring yourself so much its worrying me. I know that the hero thing is important to us both but at this rate you'll end up dying before you become one." Chikara said tears streaming down his face.

"Its okay once I can control my quir-" "About that. What is your quirk? And don't lie to me." "Its a power stocking quirk." Chikara narrowed his eyes. "And how did you get it?" "I unlocked it during the entrance exam it was pretty crazy." "About that, How about you tell me the real answer already."

"W-What do you m-mean?" Izuka stuttered avoiding eye contact with him. "You've asked me to help you control your quirk time and time again, like during the entrance exam, yet you've been super secretive about what it actually is, being that my dad is our teacher I have some resources."

"W-w-what are you say-" "I'm not finished, I was able to get a hold of the quirk database Nezu keeps on all the students, when I searched your name through the database your quirk came up as Unknown, I thought it was funny so I started filtering through our options, then a kid name Toshinori Yagi came up, with a hairstyle very similar to a young prime All-Might. It's also very interesting that as soon as you meet him and we train with him for a while, you unlock a quirk very similar to his."

"Its probably just a coincidence!" Izuka forced out. Avoiding eye contact. "It could be, but I think theres something way more important than what your letting on. I mean passing down quirks would be impossible right? or it should have been, but then I looked even further into the past, every book in the library, every history book on quirks, I even went through open records of people that have died in villain attacks, then I found a person like me, A person with two quirks, her name was Nana Shimura and her quirks were float, and unknown. Just like you, Just like All-Might, so tell me, you had a torch passed down didn't you?"

"I-uh I think its just a coincidence babe, we should just talk about something else." Izuka said trying to convince him it was nothing to be thinking about and change the topic. "Don't change the topic, I can look at you and tell your lying to me and that your hiding something, while I don't appreciate your keeping potentially important secrets I wont press further." Chikara then got up and walked out of the room.

Izuka chased out after him, she grabbed his hand with a pleading look in her eyes. Chikara looked down disappointed that she would keep something potentially important from him all this time, he was even more disappointed in himself for not noticing it earlier. He patted her head then proceeded on his walk, a single tear ran down his cheek as he continued on his way.

'I will find out eventually/Should I have just told him?'

~*End of Chapter*~

-Ooo drama.-

My Salvation (Female Depressed Izuku X Male OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora