Ch. 3 Entrance exam

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~Hi, I noticed I skipped the entrance exam in the first edition if this book, so here you are gentle readers~

Izuka and Chikara had met Izuka's hero and long time favorite hero All-Might. Chikara was relieved because he knew she wouldn't listen to him but she would listen to All-Might when he told her "You can be a hero"

Izuka and Chikara were working out together and cleaning up the beach. After a long day Izuka's legs were too tired to move. Chikara was very tired and heavy so he couldn't bring her home. He decided bring her to his house, who knows maybe she'd meet his dad and he would approve.


Chikara stepped inside the door of the small apartment with Izuka in his arms bridal style. He was walking down the hall when a capture tape wrapped around the back of his neck and spun him around. He was dragged forward and then was face to face with his father, Shota Aizawa. "Who is that Chikara?" He asked with tired eyes. "Why are you here your supposed to be on patrol right now."

"I got home early, I happened to pass by and see you and this lady training with All-Might, What is she to you?" He asked as he lowered his eyes to analyze the girl in his sons arms. "Why are you holding her like that? Is she your girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me about her?" Aizawa prodded as his hair rose and started floating.

"I was planning on telling you today actually, Dad this is Izuka, she is my girlfriend, me and her are really tired from training and I was wondering if she could sleep here for tonight please." Chikara begged as his father released the capture tape from his son.

Izuka slowly woke up, she noticed Chikara speaking to somebody in-front of them, who was this person? They seemed to be in an apartment of some sort but it wasn't hers. She noticed the position she was in in Chikara's arms which made her blush. She couldn't move her leg's because she was too tired and Chikaras arms we're comfortable so she snuggled deeper into his arms.

She overheard the man question who she was and  Chikara inform the man "I was planning on telling you today actually, Dad this is Izuka, she is my girlfriend, me and her are really tired from training and I was wondering if she could sleep here for tonight please." this made her face flush red.

"I don't see why not, but I better not hear any funny business going on. She can stay for as long as she needs" Aizawa confirmed. After hearing his first sentence they both flushed and Izuka covered her face which informed Chikara she was awake. This caused him to get embarrassed "DAD!" He yelled out of embarrassment, Aizawa just chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"I'm just joking kid, go get some rest, seems both her and you need it, might want to get her a cold rag too, her face is awfully red." He chuckled and Chikara took both of them to his room. By the time Chikara placed Izuka on his bed she had already drifted off to sleep again. Chikara slowly followed suit.


Aizawa was driving Chikara and Izuka to U.A for the entrance exam. Aizawa decided to drive Izuka as well because her house was on the way and Chikara asked him too.

~Mini Time Skip~

Chikara was standing infront of the gate by himself, Izuka was lagging behind a little bit. He noticed she was having an episode and was muttering a lot so he went over and hugged her, no words, just a warm embrace.

(You know how the entrance exam goes for Izuka, however Chikara was there to help her so she is able to get 12 villain points while Chikara himself was able to get 38 villain points)

The ground then all of a sudden started rumbling very loudly. Izuka and Chikara looked up and noticed a Zero Pointer rumbling through the entire area, they scanned the area and noticed nobody was hurt. They both turned tail and started to run. However Chikara heard a scream

He looked back to see some girl trapped in rubble, he ran over to help as he could, he was very fatigued and exhausted so he couldn't do much to help lift the rubble. A shadow casted over them as the foot of the Zero Pointer rocketed down towards the earth at blinding speeds, Chikara closed his eyes and apologized for everything, and to Izuka.

But when he opened his eyes he saw there was light again, he looked up and saw Izuka falling, arm and legs completely annihilated from destroying the Zero Pointer and caving its head in. He knew he didn't have much time before she would hit the ground so he mustered the last bit of energy he had to slow her fall using his control of gravity. Izuka landed on the ground with a tiny little thud, she was relatively ok but unconscious. Chikara crawled over and collapsed next to her as the last thing he saw was a little old lady.

Then they woke up in the infirmary.

~*"We did it huh?"*~

~*End of Chapter*~

~I noticed that I didn't do the entrance exam in the first time writing this story. So I went back and gave it my best with the little time that I have right now. I hope you all enjoyed it and let me know if your excited for me to continue this story~

My Salvation (Female Depressed Izuku X Male OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin