Ch.5 U.S.J PT 1

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~Hello Gentle Readers, In the rewrite I decided to skip combat training because I couldn't decide on where to sit Chikara, but be known his costume has the capture tape and goggles like his father Aizawa, with a bit more of a lively  costume and not just baggy clothes, imagine it however you want. Please cherish thy beverage and enjoy at your leisure~

Izuka and Chikara walked into class. Holding hands as usual, they thought of how every other day something insane would happen in the class, this time they were gonna try and keep it calm today because Izuka was feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of having an episode. They thought about how to do this and just figured to let things go normally.

They sat down in their seats. Aizawa walked in and opened his mouth to speak, "Well good day, today we will be doing something that will change you're lives forever." He said that and the whole class got on edge.

"We will be picking class representatives." Aizawa said, little did he know he would regret saying this without authority in his voice.

"PICK ME!" "PICK ME I'M THE BEST CHOICE" Rang out all over the classroom but there was one that stood out.

"PICK ME AND I'LL LOWER ALL THE GIRLS SKIRT LENGTHS BY 10 CM" Mineta yelled and the class felt the room start to get hotter, they looked around for the source and saw Chikara staring Mineta down in the face with visible anger showing off his face.

He was basically Bakugou when he foams at the mouth, except without looking like he drank soap. "Mineta." Chikara said in a passive aggressive voice. "Would you please take that back before I make sure you're chances of being a hero are turned to zero through an ass-whooping, I'm feeling generous today, so if you take back what you said I'll let you off the hook once." Chikara said with Venom building in his voice.

"S-sur-e th-i-ng, I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID!" Mineta yelled, safe to say, he pissed his pants, "Pussy." Chikara said as he walked back to his seat. After that Chikara had scored all the girls votes.

As before mentioned a voting system was set up courtesy of Iida, then the votes were tallied, "Alright the votes are "Chikara with 7 votes, and Izuka with 3 votes. Others only have 1 vote, meaning Chikara will be President, and Izuka will be vice. Now get to lunch." Aizawa announced.

Izuka and Chikara were sitting alone in a table when All the other girls walked up and put a paper in the middle of the table, "Read that." They all said then left. (If you're mind is in the gutter fetch it out now.)

"I'm gonna read this so, you can read it with me." Chikara said sitting beside Izuka.

"We thank you for doing what you did with Mineta and we wrote this note to tell you. We're pretty sure Izuka is grateful too. We also wanted to let you two know you are a cute couple." The note read.

"Huh. Neat." Chikara said.

~Summary: Emergency Exit Iida becomes a thing. He gets the spot of vice president and Chikara gives up his spot to Momo, So the president roles are reversed. They then traveled to U.S.J, Skipping thirteens speech.~

A portal opened up and Chikara took his stances ready to fight. He jumped down but little did he know Aizawa jumped down with him. Chikara and Aizawa looked at each other, they both put their goggles on. The capture tape swirling around Chikaras arms instead of his neck.

This would begin one of the biggest battles of their lives. One between life or death, Chikara was in for a but surprise little did he know.

~End Of Chapter~

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