Days After

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Severus and Hermione's Saturday only got better. Hermione herself had a slight skip to her step as she went to lunch. Severus, while he never in his life skipped, he did feel more powerful. Almost like he could take on the Dark Lord, himself. He scoffed at the idea. He'd expected Hermione to miss breakfast and sleep in, almost forcing her too, however he asked the house elf Dobby to leave a plate for her. 

Dobby was all to happy to help the secret couple, being 'Potter's friends'. Severus didn't have the heart to tell the elf that he disliked Potter. He had sworn Dobby to secrecy when he popped into Severus' office when he was called. 

"Dobby will keep Master Snape's and Miss Hermione's secret until he dies, sir," the elf squeaked. Severus breathed a sigh of relief as he left the office and Dobby to care for his sleeping love. 

Lunch was as eventful as breakfast was, only difference was Severus physically felt when Hermione walked into the Great Hall. He looked at her, smiling to Potter and the Weasley's as she went to sit by them. She started piling food on her plate neatly, eye brighter and far less maddening than they were this morning. Severus almost smiled at the thought of this morning, but held back, scowling instead to a first year Slytherin that looked his way. 

The said first year gasped and fixated on his food, as if it had suddenly grown arms and legs. Severus felt a small satisfactory feeling course throughout his bones. He started eating his lunch in silence, ignoring his colleagues trivial gossip about their students. Suddenly, he felt two pairs of eyes on his persons. Turning, he saw Hermione staring up at him from her spot at the Gryffindor table, a look on her face he couldn't exactly place. 

Second was Dumbledore from down the table. He took a glace to Hermione then to Severus himself and lowered his head to look at him over his half moon spectacles. Severus swallowed his pumpkin juice hard, knowing he would be visited in his office before the night was out. He sighed and pushed his food away. He stood up and bid everyone farewell. He then retreated to his office. He had papers to grade. 

He hoped Hermione would spend time studying and being with friends, however, a knock to the door coupled with a fleeting What are we going to do today? in his head and he knew that Hermione was indeed outside the door. It was quickly followed by a Bollocks! Dumbledore is here. He stopped grading at once and put on his best scowl. 

"Miss Granger, has he asked you to enter yet?" Severus could hear Dumbledore get closer to his door. 

"No, Professor, not yet," she stated, sounding a little scared. She never was scared of Dumbledore before, probably only scared of what he would think of her once he found out they had 'consummated their prophecy'. 

Without knocking, Dumbledore opened the door to Severus' office and motioned for Hermione to go in first. She shyly thanked him and walked in, giving Severus a wide eyed look momentarily before her face went back to normal. Severus sat in his chair, arms folded, quill in its ink well, third year essays on boggarts in front of him half marked. 

"Albus," Severus greeted dryly. 

The older man dipped his head and sat down in the chair opposite Severus' cheerily. Hermione stood facing both men awkwardly, not wanting to sit in the other chair beside the headmaster. Severus didn't chance looking away from Albus to Hermione, even though he wanted to. Hermione on the other hand looked from the headmaster to her lover in turn fearful of what was going to transpire. 

"Severus, Miss Granger, I apologize for intruding on your day together, however I must talk to you about something. Something I only just recently confirmed by the portraits in my office." He talked as if it were normal for the two to be alone together on Saturdays in Severus' office. 

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